Business Evaluation Program

Canada FamilyFarms. Ltd.

1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1

Visit our Website


Between one week and 2 months

This program provides one week of classroom training.

This program provides a series of 30-90 minute phone calls about different aspects of the business.

This program provides a one-day on site meeting.

The entire program takes about 60 days.


Week of Classroom Training (times/locations vary) - Create Business Plan, SWOT, Organization Handbook and learn about resources and additional programs available.

Assessments - We provide an assessment of the following areas of your business: business management, entity structure, operations, social responsibility, production technology, crop sales, risk management, business marketing, human resources, office technology, insurance, grants and finance & credit. These assessments are created by resources on our staff after conducting a phone interview with the farming operation. 

Evaluation & Implementation Plan: During a one-day on site visit, 2 staff members will go through the assessments listed above and talk with the family about their goals. We will provide an implementation plan with long-term and short-term goals for improvements to make to the business.


$15,000 - $35,000

The cost ranges from $15,000 - $35,000 based on the number of acres in the farming operation. 

Costs are paid upfront. 

Target Audience:

Large Crop Producers who are existing clients of Canada FamilyFarms. 

Recognition Provided:


We provide a written business evaluation and implementation plan upon completion of the program. 

We also provide a business plan, SWOT and organizational charts during the program. 

Method of Instruction:


The week long course is classroom style.

The assessments are through correspondence.

The evaluation is provided during a one-day on farm visit.

Availability of Program:


The assessments and evaluation are scheduled individually with each farm operator and the week training course is provided every 30-60 days. 

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)

We provide training in the following areas: business management, entity structure, operations, social responsibility, business marketing, crop sales, risk management, techology, and finance.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Joe Zachman, Senior Vice President, Competitive Services

Last Updated: 2014-03-19

Winter Conference

Canada FamilyFarms. Ltd.

1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1

Visit our Website


Less than one week

5 days conference of training


Day 1: Strategy Meetings

Day 2-4: Topical Session Options

Day 5: Optional Training Class - Topic changes each year



Cost includes registration and some meals. This cost does not include accommodations, travel or other meals.

Target Audience:

This conference is only open to clients of Canada FamilyFarms.

Our locations vary by year.

Recognition Provided:


Certificate of Attendance will be provided.

Method of Instruction:


There is a combination of classroom and workshop learning.

Availability of Program:


Only provided in January of each year.

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning

The Winter Conference is a 5 day conference that covers various topics in agriculture each year. We bring in guest speakers for 2 hour sessions. We also have sessions that provide opportunities to learn from other producers and have round table discussions. 

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Joe Zachman, Senior Vice President, Competitive Services

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Summer Conference

Canada FamilyFarms. Ltd.

1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1

Visit our Website


Less than one week

5 days of training


Day 1: Strategic Meetings

Days 2-4: General and Small Group Sessions on Various Topics

Day 5: Optional Training Course - Topic Varies



Cost includes registration and some meals. Cost does not include hotel, travel and some meals. 

Target Audience:

Only our clients are invited to attend the Summer Conference.

Recognition Provided:


Certificate of Attendance Provided

Method of Instruction:


Some sessions are classroom while others are working sessions or round table discussions. 

Availability of Program:


Available in July of each year. Location varies. 

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning

Various Topics related to crop production, financial, succession, HR and other ways to improve a business.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Joe Zachman, Senior Vice President, Competitive Services

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

General Manager Program

Canada FamilyFarms. Ltd.

1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1

Visit our Website


More than 2 months

Dates and locations vary.

The program lasts about 9 months and is a series of one-on-one coaching sessions and 8 days of group training. 


Group Training: 3 days in March, 1.5 days in June, September and November

5 one-on-one coaching sessions in various months



Cost includes visits and attendance in all sessions. It does not include travel/meals.

Target Audience:

Only clients of Canada FamilyFarms can attend. 

Recognition Provided:


Certificate of completion provided at the end of the program.

Method of Instruction:


Group Training includes workshops and classroom settings. 

You have open correspondence with the trainer and the trainer makes on-site visits. 

Availability of Program:


Program starts at the beginning of each crop year. 

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Marketing (includes value added)

Discuss various duties of a general manager in an agricultural operation. Topics at group sessions vary. 

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Joe Zachman, Senior Vice President, Competitive Services

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Operations Manager Program

Canada FamilyFarms. Ltd.

1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1

Visit our Website


More than 2 months

Program starts in March and continues for one year.  

Program consists of 4.5 days of group training and 3 one-on-one coaching sessions


3 Group sessions - 1.5 days in March, August, and November 

3 one-on-one person one day coaching sessions throughout the year



Cost includes fee for program and some meals. Cost does not include travel and other meals. 

Recognition Provided:


Program certificate will be provided upon completion of the program. 

Method of Instruction:


The group training is classroom/workshop style.

Mr. Glatt is available for correspondence when questions arise at the farm.

Mr. Glatt makes 3 farm visits throughout the course of the year. 

Availability of Program:


Program begins in March and is available for start in March of each year. 

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)

Program is designed to assist an operations manager at the farm in dealing with issues and best practices of other farms. 

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Lynn Glatt, Manager of Team Operations

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Team Initiatives Service Program

Canada FamilyFarms. Ltd.

1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1

Visit our Website


More than 2 months

Program is continuous. Participants can start and stop the program at any time. 

This program starts after the attending the Business Evaluation Program. 


No set agenda. The goal of this program is to provide farms with individualized services in the areas they need most. 

A Team Coach is assigned to each farm and that Team Coach works with the farm to complete initiatives on their Implemenation Plan. The Taam Coach provides resources to assist with implemenation and holds the farm accountable for the activities they want to complete. 

The Team Coach visits the farm 2-3 times per year to assess their implemenation plan and create new goals. 


$.50 per acre per month

Costs include many training courses, the on-farm visits, unlimited phone calls, participation in other programs, participation in new technology pilots, etc.

Target Audience:

Target audience is large row crop farming operations that are family owned. 

Recognition Provided:


Farms are provided a \Report Card\" at the end of each year to show the activities they have completed that year and the activities they have completed throughout their life with the program. 


Method of Instruction:


We provide training courses, on-farm visits, webinars and workshops. Additionally, each Team Coach corresponds with the farm on a regular basis. 

Availability of Program:


Participants can start the program at any time. Participants can stop the program at any time. 

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning

Depending on the farm's needs, we focus in the areas that they need the most assistance or the areas that are most important to them.

We provide assistance in business management, succession planning, human resources, financial planning, financial management, enviornmental stewardship, crop sales, crop production, equipment operation, technology needs, etc. 

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Joe Zachman, Senior Vice President, Competitive Services

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Business Strategy Workshop

Robert L Ross

RR 1
St Marys ON N4X 1C4

Visit our Website


Less than one week





1.   Business Strategy planning is a process where the ultimate goal is finding your voice and taking steps to hear your voice and write your goals so that those goals may hard wired into your psyche.



2.   The first step in this process is to find out “What Matters Most” to each member of your farming organization. If the vision of each members of the organization is not listened to and discussed and all parties have, an opportunity to share “What Matters Most” there is a probability of chaos within the organization. While their may be activity, that activity will lack direction if it has any direction at all.


3.   The object of this one-day seminar is to give people the basic guidance so that they can with the help of the facilitator prepare a Business Strategy and a Personal Life Strategy for their farming Business.


4.   Cost 300.00 Per person minimum of 5 people


5.   Additional assistance will be available on a fee for service basis should students require additional help completing their plan.


6.   As this is a more public form each participants work will be kept confidential. Examples used will be composites of no real person but merely of ideas so that farmers and farm family members can develop their own unique vision.




The Morning Session


8:30-10:00 A.M. Why a personal life strategy and why it needs to be aligned with your business strategy. A discussion of the various resources that are available and a discussion about the work book.


Specific Measurable Realistic Time Oriented Goals.


10:30 -11:30 The Personal Life Strategy in the context of your business Strategy. If you do not look at your own talents and abilities from a personal basis and how they will intersect with your business strategy.


11:30-12:30 Lunch



The Afternoon Session

12:30 -2:00 The Mission Statement for your work and your business. Your roles your goals your core values.

Strengths Weakness Opportunities Threats



2:00-4:30 The details of your Business Plan.

Smart Goals



300.00 per person

Meeting room will be provided minim five persons workbook provided, meals the responsibility of the participant

Target Audience:

FArmers and Ranchers who have not a written business plan or personal life strategy.

Recognition Provided:


There is overwhelming evidence that people who have a written business plan and personal life strategy are more effective by a great margin than those who do not.


Method of Instruction:


Availability of Program:


mimimum of five participants with reasonable notice.

Agriculture Business:

Tree Fruit and Vine
Other & Non-Traditional
Other Animal
Field Fruit and Vegetables
Poultry and Egg
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture

Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

 1.   Business Strategy planning is a process where the ultimate goal is finding your voice and taking steps to hear your voice and write your goals so that those goals may hard wired into your psyche.



2.   The first step in this process is to find out “What Matters Most” to each member of your farming organization. If the vision of each members of the organization is not listened to and discussed and all parties have, an opportunity to share “What Matters Most” there is a probability of chaos within the organization. While their may be activity, that activity will lack direction if it has any direction at all.


3.   The object of this one-day seminar is to give people the basic guidance so that they can with the help of the facilitator prepare a Business Strategy and a Personal Life Strategy for their farming Business.



For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Strategic Business Planning

Robert L Ross

RR 1
St Marys ON N4X 1C4

Visit our Website


Less than one week
Between one week and 2 months

One on one consultation


General Introduction

SWOT analysis

Development of Strategic Intents and Action Plans



For a hosting organiztion:

Classroom presentation: one day $2500

Preparation of material $1500

Class size: 20-30 people

Target Audience:

Primary Producers

Recognition Provided:


Completion of application for cost-shared government programs

Method of Instruction:


Availability of Program:


Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Succession Planning

SWOT analysis

Development of Strategic Intents and Action Plans

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2014-03-19

HedgeLink - Learn to Hedge

FarmLink Marketing Solutions

110-93 Lombard Ave
Winnipeg MB R3B 3B1

Visit our Website


More than 2 months
Less than one week

Course delivered via online videos and accompanying homework assignments that will be reviewed by a qualified FarmLink person. Ongoing support is also provided.



Module 1 - Introduction to Hedging

Module 2 - Futures Contracts

Module 3 - Margins

Module 4 - Hedging

Module 5 - Spreads and Carrying Charges

Module 6 - Basis

Module 6b - More Hedging Examples

Module 7 - Hedging Issues

Module 8 - Introduction to Options

Module 9 - Put Options

Module 10 - Call Options

Module 11 - Covered Calls

Module 12 - Option Spreads

Module 13 - Building a Hedging Strategy




$2500 per farm.  The fee includes access to the online training modules, review of assignments by professional staff, and support for any ongoing questions and issues related to hedging. 

Target Audience:

Those farms that want to see if using futures and options contracts is something they want to adopt on their farm.  Those farms that want to understand how futures and options can be effectively used specifically in Prairie cash grain markets.


Recognition Provided:


All attendees will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course, signed by the instructor.

Method of Instruction:


14 different training videos accessed through the internet, ranging from 15 to 30 minutes in length each. Videos can be viewed at the pace needed and as often as required to understand the concepts. Each module has a homework assignment to help the grower further understand the material. These will be reviewed by professional staff. Ongoing support is also available for growers as needed.

The full HedgeLink program consists of further education, both online and in the classroom.  Subscribers to the program will also have access to an online discussion forum and regular reports on utilizing futures and options to manage risk based on the market environment at the time.

Availability of Program:


The online nature of delivery means that there are no limits to availability. 

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production

This course begins at the introductory level for futures and options training, and eventually moves towards more intermediate level material. Of particular importance is the application of these concepts to Prairie cash markets, since many important futures markets are U.S.-based and focused.

The online delivery of the material allows growers to go at their own pace and review the individual modules as often as necessary to understand the concepts. 

One key goal is giving producers the confidence to make a decision on whether futures and options are a good fit for their farm, and if so to be comfortable taking that next step and opening an account. 

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

FarmLink Marketing Solutions

110-93 Lombard Ave
Winnipeg MB R3B 3B1
Visit our Website

For information contact:
Jonathon Driedger



Last Updated: 2013-05-03