1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1
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Program is continuous. Participants can start and stop the program at any time.
This program starts after the attending the Business Evaluation Program.
No set agenda. The goal of this program is to provide farms with individualized services in the areas they need most.
A Team Coach is assigned to each farm and that Team Coach works with the farm to complete initiatives on their Implemenation Plan. The Taam Coach provides resources to assist with implemenation and holds the farm accountable for the activities they want to complete.
The Team Coach visits the farm 2-3 times per year to assess their implemenation plan and create new goals.
Costs include many training courses, the on-farm visits, unlimited phone calls, participation in other programs, participation in new technology pilots, etc.
Target Audience:
Target audience is large row crop farming operations that are family owned.
Recognition Provided:
Farms are provided a \Report Card\" at the end of each year to show the activities they have completed that year and the activities they have completed throughout their life with the program.
"Method of Instruction:
We provide training courses, on-farm visits, webinars and workshops. Additionally, each Team Coach corresponds with the farm on a regular basis.
Availability of Program:
Participants can start the program at any time. Participants can stop the program at any time.
Agriculture Business:
Subject of Training:
Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning
Depending on the farm's needs, we focus in the areas that they need the most assistance or the areas that are most important to them.
We provide assistance in business management, succession planning, human resources, financial planning, financial management, enviornmental stewardship, crop sales, crop production, equipment operation, technology needs, etc.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Visit the program Web site
Joe Zachman, Senior Vice President, Competitive Services
Last Updated: 2013-05-09