1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1
Visit our Website
Dates and locations vary.
The program lasts about 9 months and is a series of one-on-one coaching sessions and 8 days of group training.
Group Training: 3 days in March, 1.5 days in June, September and November
5 one-on-one coaching sessions in various months
Cost includes visits and attendance in all sessions. It does not include travel/meals.
Target Audience:
Only clients of Canada FamilyFarms can attend.
Recognition Provided:
Certificate of completion provided at the end of the program.
Method of Instruction:
Group Training includes workshops and classroom settings.
You have open correspondence with the trainer and the trainer makes on-site visits.
Availability of Program:
Program starts at the beginning of each crop year.
Agriculture Business:
Subject of Training:
Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Marketing (includes value added)
Discuss various duties of a general manager in an agricultural operation. Topics at group sessions vary.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Visit the program Web site
Joe Zachman, Senior Vice President, Competitive Services
Last Updated: 2013-05-09