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Business Evaluation Program

Canada FamilyFarms. Ltd.

1000 - 840 Howe Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2M1

Visit our Website


Between one week and 2 months

This program provides one week of classroom training.

This program provides a series of 30-90 minute phone calls about different aspects of the business.

This program provides a one-day on site meeting.

The entire program takes about 60 days.


Week of Classroom Training (times/locations vary) - Create Business Plan, SWOT, Organization Handbook and learn about resources and additional programs available.

Assessments - We provide an assessment of the following areas of your business: business management, entity structure, operations, social responsibility, production technology, crop sales, risk management, business marketing, human resources, office technology, insurance, grants and finance & credit. These assessments are created by resources on our staff after conducting a phone interview with the farming operation. 

Evaluation & Implementation Plan: During a one-day on site visit, 2 staff members will go through the assessments listed above and talk with the family about their goals. We will provide an implementation plan with long-term and short-term goals for improvements to make to the business.


$15,000 - $35,000

The cost ranges from $15,000 - $35,000 based on the number of acres in the farming operation. 

Costs are paid upfront. 

Target Audience:

Large Crop Producers who are existing clients of Canada FamilyFarms. 

Recognition Provided:


We provide a written business evaluation and implementation plan upon completion of the program. 

We also provide a business plan, SWOT and organizational charts during the program. 

Method of Instruction:


The week long course is classroom style.

The assessments are through correspondence.

The evaluation is provided during a one-day on farm visit.

Availability of Program:


The assessments and evaluation are scheduled individually with each farm operator and the week training course is provided every 30-60 days. 

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)

We provide training in the following areas: business management, entity structure, operations, social responsibility, business marketing, crop sales, risk management, techology, and finance.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Joe Zachman, Senior Vice President, Competitive Services

Last Updated: 2014-03-19

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