Blain Hjertaas

PO Box 760
Redvers SK S0C 2H0

Personne-contact :
Blain Hjertaas


Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-03

AgExpert Analyst - One on One Training (Level 1)

Lenz Consulting

PO Box 129
Yellow Grass SK S0G 5J0

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

moins d’une semaine

On site, one on one training to accurately setup farm financial records, record transactions, and generate, analyze, & use financial reports.

3 days (7hrs/day)

Programme :

Training is customized to fit the participant's needs. Due to this personal customization, the length of training as well as the following agenda may vary slightly.

Day 1 - Introduction, installation & setup, create a new data file in which to record the participants farm transactions. record current capital assets, introduction to entering transactions.

Day 2 - Daily transaction entries, bank reconciliation

Day 3 - Review any questions, Generate a GST report, Review financial reports. basic instruction on completing a year end.

Coût :

$500.00/day plus GST

Training Material $30.00 (one time fee).

There will be a $70/hr (plus GST) charge for any additional training required.

Public cible :

Farmers looking for tools & opportunity to make more informed business decisions. 

Diplôme/Certificat :


Participants will receive a certificate indicating completion of the course.

Mode d'enseignement :

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année
Le jour

Training appointments will be set to fit into the participants schedule.

Entreprises Agricoles:

Fruits de verger et Vignes
Autres et Non Traditionnel
Autres Animaux
Fruits de champs et Légumes
Volailles et Oeufs
Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement

Sujets de formation :

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)

The participant will learn how to track their income, expenses, GST & inventory to generate financial reports to help manage their farm operations.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

Field Manager PRO - One on One Training

Lenz Consulting

PO Box 129
Yellow Grass SK S0G 5J0

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

moins d’une semaine

On-site, One on One training to record & analyze field records, develope plans for crop production decisions and track field record history.

1 Day (7 hrs.)

Programme :

Training is customized to fit the participant's needs. Due to this personal customization, the length of training as well as the following agenda may vary slightly.

Day 1 - Introduction, Create a new data file in which to record the participant's farm crop records, Entering crop records, Review reports.

Coût :

$500.00/day plus GST

Training Material $30.00 (one time fee).

There will be a $70/hr (plus GST) charge for any additional training required.

Public cible :

Farmers looking for tools to document detailed crop records to use for future reference & analysis when making production decisions.

Diplôme/Certificat :


Participants will receive a certificate indicating completion of the course.

Mode d'enseignement :

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année
Le jour

Training appointments will be set to fit into the participants schedule.


Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise

The participant will acquire the tools to document crop records & opportunity to develop, compare & analyze different options when making production decisions.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

AgExpert Analyst - One on One Training (Level 2)

Lenz Consulting

PO Box 129
Yellow Grass SK S0G 5J0

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

moins d’une semaine

On site, advanced one on one training to enhance the use of the AgExpert Analyst program.

The number of days (7hrs/day) will be dependent upon the number of modules that the participant chooses to work on.

Programme :

The modules which the participant may choose from consist of the following:  Accounts Payable & Receivable, AgriStability, Bank Reconciliation, Payroll, Year End, & Management Tools.

Coût :

$500.00/day plus GST

Training Material $20.00 (one time fee).

There will be a $70/hr (plus GST) charge for any additional training required

Public cible :

Current AgExpert Analyst users wanting to enhance their use of the program, further enhancing their decision making process for their farm operation.

Diplôme/Certificat :


Participants will receive a certificate indicating completion of the course.

Mode d'enseignement :

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année
Le jour

Training appointments will be set to fit into the participants schedule.

Entreprises Agricoles:

Fruits de verger et Vignes
Autres et Non Traditionnel
Autres Animaux
Fruits de champs et Légumes
Volailles et Oeufs
Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement

Sujets de formation :

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)

Accounts Payable/Receivable Module - Understanding the effects & advantages & properly maintaining Accts. Payable/Receivable records.

AgriStability - Learn how to set up AgExpert Analyst & enter transactions for AgriStability reports.

Bank Reconciliation - Learn how to perform a bank reconciliation & import your bank statement

Payroll - Learn how to set up employee records, create paycheques, & process a payroll remittance.

Year End - Learn how to process a year end on a data file & how to perform a year end merge of adjusting entries.

Management Tools - Learn how to set up enterprises. Learn how to use the Operational Benchmarking, Budget, Cash Flow, & Tax Forecaster features. 

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

The Farm Planner

Everdale Farm and Learning Centre

P.O. Box 29
Hillsburgh ON N0B 1Z0

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

plus de 2 mois

Eight full day sessions starting in October 2011 and running until early March 2012.  Approx. every second weekend, Saturday or Sunday depending on location, Guelph, ON or Toronto, ON.  

Coût :


Course is eligible for cost sharing.  Bundle packages available if taken with other courses.  Please see our website.

Public cible :

The program is intended for any individual who wishes to start a farm business or to restructure an existing farm business.

Mode d'enseignement :

En Classe
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

In class sessions happen approx. every second weekend.  A farm tour may be included for the fall.  

Disponibilité du programme :

À certaines périodes de l'année (selon la saison)

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Gestion de l’environnement
Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)
Ressources humaines
Marketing (incluant valeur ajoutée)

The program helps participants to formulate a farm plan to help ensure a successful and sustainable business. Topics covered include but are not limited to: marketing, finances, spreadsheets, risk management, regulations, implementation and evaluation

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

Activating Holistic Management

Savory Grassland Management

PO Box 501
Theodore SK S0A 4C0

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

plus de 2 mois

This program has 1 week intensive on ranch or place of business, with follow up for a full year to ensure implementation.

Programme :

Holistic Goal setting assistance with social, economic and environmental goals.

Holistic Financial Planning assistance to achieve your stated goals.

Land and livestock planning assistance to achieve your financial and environmental goals

Coût :


The cost is $5,000.00 for a week.  Transport and accomodation are extra.  If no accomodation is provided.

We work from morning until night when you decide you have worked enough for the day.  We also will assist with on site chores to free up more time for training.  

Public cible :

Governments, Non-profits, Ranchers, Farmers, corporations and anyone dealing with land issues.

Diplôme/Certificat :


A certificate of completion of course is provided.  

Mode d'enseignement :

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

We work on location using your actual figures and people involved to assist you in activating your Holistic Management goals.

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année

We work with your schedule to arrive at the best time to provide the assistance for your operation.

Entreprises Agricoles:

Fruits de champs et Légumes
Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement
Autres et Non Traditionnel
Autres Animaux
Fruits de verger et Vignes

Sujets de formation :

Production animale
Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Gestion de l’environnement
Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)
Ressources humaines
Aménagement paysager
Marketing (incluant valeur ajoutée)
Planification du transfert de l’entreprise

Holistic Management is a proven method of managing, land, people and finances to reduce conflict, increase profits and improve biomass and biodiversity.  It has been used succesfully on over 30 million acres around the world.  Rodger Savory the trainer is the son of the inventor of the concept and has vast experience in the process.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

306 647 2755
Visitez le site Internet du programme
Rodger Savory, 3066472755

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-11-05

Marketing Strategies

Prairie West Marketing

R.R. #2
Craven SK S0G 0W0

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

une semaine à 2 mois

December 5-9

Travelodge Hotel

106 Circle Drive W.

Saskatoon, Sask.

Programme :

Dec. 5, 2011

Introduction to Course - .5 hours

Study of Fundamental Analysis - 3 hours

How fundamental analysis is gathered and how good market decisions can formulate a marketing plan

Basis understanding - 3 hours

All pricing decisions, whether future or cash contracts entail basis and one must understand how basis is part of these contracts.


Dec. 6, 2011

Technical Analysis - 3.5 hours

Understanding how technical analysis can assist one in pinpointing market direction and help in making pricing decisions

Understanding chart patters - 4 hours

Understanding chart patterns and what they mean to price direction


Dec 7, 2011

Understanding Future Markets - 3.5 hours

Understanding how futures markets operate and then developing strategies to use them in marketing decisions.

Understanding Options - 4 hours

Options tend to be the least used and understood pricing tool and one needs to understand them to feel comfortable in corporating them in ones marketing plan.


Dec 8, 2011

Finding and using a commodity broker - 2 hours

Using futures and options require using a commodity broker and one needs to understand the borders of using a professional broker.

Cash conracts - 3.5 hours

Every cash marketing move requires a contract, whether issued by an elevator, CWB or a specialty company.  Mose of us sign these contracts without due diligence and one needs to understand their terms and conditions.

Equity Fund Markets - 2 hours

This is a new concept in marketing which allows a farm manager to price protect a basket of commodities instead of one commodity.  This concept is new but has huge potential to farm managers.


Dece 9, 2011

Marketing Grain in an open market system - 4 hours

As of 2012 grain marketing in western Canada is about to change with the opportunity to market grain outside of the CWB.  These changes are both exciting and scary to grain producers and one needs to understand what lies ahead.

Developing a marketing plan - 3.5 hours

Allowing a producer to incorporate all the information available and to apply this information to see how if fits with their own personal operation.  One will then be able to determine breakeven prices and incorporate these into ones own personal marketing plan.

Wrap-up and awarding of course completion - .5 hours

Coût :


Cost of course covers tuition and manuals.

Public cible :

It is our goal to offer this course to both starting producers and experienced producers.  Most operations today are a combination of experienced and starting producers and this course would bring the education barrier closer.

Diplôme/Certificat :


Upon completion each individual will receive a Certificate of Completion.

Mode d'enseignement :

En Classe

The course will be held in a classroom style where interaction between the course provider and participants can take place. 

Various teaching aids will be used throughtout this course, such as using the Internet, spreadsheets and charting programs.

Course material will be supplied using a computer data display plus written handouts will be supplied to participants.

Disponibilité du programme :

À certaines périodes de l'année (selon la saison)

This course will be held on a seasonal basis in the fall.

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Marketing (incluant valeur ajoutée)

The goal of this marketing course is to allow producers to gather information on grain marketing and to have them apply these tools to their operations.  Subjects covered are hands-on and are directly related to business done in their operations on a daily basis.

Subjects covered in this course will be provided by industry leading personnel.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

Pathways to Farming

Everdale Farm and Learning Centre

P.O. Box 29
Hillsburgh ON N0B 1Z0

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

une semaine à 2 mois

Two full day sessions and one farm tour in October 2011 and early November.

Coût :


Bundle packages are available.  Please see our website.

Mode d'enseignement :

En Classe
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Disponibilité du programme :

À certaines périodes de l'année (selon la saison)

Course only available in the fall.

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Gestion de l’environnement

Participants will get help from expert farmers deciding what enterprise their agricultural business should focus on.  First steps in planning a business.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

Prairie West Marketing

R.R. #2
Craven SK S0G 0W0
Visitez notre site Internet

Personne-contact :
Karl Langmaier


Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-03

Supervisory Strategies for the Skilled Trades (SUPR 1812)

SIAST Kelsey Campus

PO Box 1520
Saskatoon SK S7K 3R5

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

moins d’une semaine

CRN: 03-634 October 26, 2011                            Wednesday 8am - 3pm                                        Room 128                                                            Location: Saskatoon

CRN: 02-635 November 23, 2011                            Wednesday 8am - 3pm                                      Room 128                                                      Location: Saskatoon

CRN: 03-720 March 28, 2012                         Wednesday 8am - 3pm                                         Room 129C                                                      Location: Saskatoon

CRN: 04-91 May 23, 2012                                    Wednesday 8am - 3pm                                        Room 128                                                       Location: Saskatoon

Programme :

7 hours/1 day

Coût :


GST included

Mode d'enseignement :

En Classe

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année
Le jour

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Ressources humaines

This interactive and dynamic one-day workshop is designed specifically for lead hands, shop supervisors and team leaders in trades, industries and manufacturing.  Participants will acquire tools that will enable them to take a proactive approach to supervision.  Our facilitator is an experienced supervisor within a variety of trades and industires, and will discuss strategies to prevent most supervisory problems.  Through discussion using realistic case studies based on situations unique to the trades environment, participants will develop tactics for dealing with problems quickly and decisively when they do occur.  Most people learn supervisory skills by trial and error and have never had formal training or even the time to consider the subtleties of supervisory skills - even supervisors with years of experience have found this workshop to be worthwhile, giving it very positive and enthusiastic reviews.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08