Three days
Day One a.m.
Defining your product.
Defining what your product will be in the future.
Describe the major trends, characteristics and issues in the present market place.
Do you agree with the present trends?
Are you going to conform to the present trends?
Day One p.m.
Determining price targets
Determining price targets for the future
Discussion of price targets and relationships to a business plan.
The details of your Business Plan.
Smart Goals - Specific Measurable Realistic Time Oriented Goals.
Day Two a.m.
Provide information on the target market describe the competition and how the product will be distributed.
Who is your competition?
What will your competitive advantage be?
What is market research?
How do you do market research?
Do you do market testing?
How do you determine the results of market testing?
Do you have a typical customer profile?
Day Two p.m.
Marketing Techniques
Word of mouth selling is it effective?
How do you increase your word of mouth sales?
What does effective word of mouth communication look like?
Pitfalls in word of mouth marketing.
Business cards, glossy brochures and news paper advertizing.
Understanding web based sales.
The basics of a web page, YouTube videos and social media.
Day Three a.m.
The advantages or disadvantages of Direct sales agreements.
The advantages or disadvantages of Partnership agreements
The advantages or disadvantages of Joint venture agreements
The advantages or disadvantages of selling on credit
The advantages or disadvantages of becoming a merchant.
Local sales versus national sales versus international sales.
Day Three p.m.
Pulling it together.
Once agreement has been created on the other areas and the plan has been created. The plan needs to be written. The written plan will maintain more relevance when it is synergized with the Business Strategy and financial management plan. This session will look at and work through the conflict that will come with putting the plan in focus with the other planning tools. The marketing plan must be the right fit for the farm and the farm families involved.
This will be $800.00 per day per person work book to be provided. Meals shall be the responsibility of the student. This will be on site. Additional Costs for rooms and mileage and any other extras will be the responsibility of the student. Those will be agreed to prior to the start of the course. If Students choose this can be completed in 1/2 day segments but the course must be completed within two months. Minimum two maximum five pers course.
Target Audience:
Ranchers, mixed farmers and specialty direct marketers who seek to develop their own marketing plan
Recognition Provided:
Certificate of completion
Method of Instruction:
This will be one on one instruction or small group instruction
Availability of Program:
Available year-round upon request
Agriculture Business:
Field Fruit and Vegetables
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Other Animal
Subject of Training:
Marketing Strategy is a process where the ultimate goal is finding your market and taking steps to create markets for your products in the world of the internet, YouTube, and various other social media sources along with tried and true methods of human and personal contacts.
The first step in this process is to develop a plan by defining your product or products that you have for sale. If the vision of each member of your farm or ranch is not addressed and not all parties have had, an opportunity to share what is going to be sold there is a high probability of conflict within the organization. While there may be sales, the energy driving those sales will lack. This seminar will be geared to groups i.e. ranchers, mixed farmers and specialty direct marketers to give them the skills and tools to develop their own plan. The normal approach to marketing is to “Fix the problem”. This course is about a comprehensive approach to a marketing plan. This is not a quick fix solution.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Robert Stocks
Last Updated: 2014-02-25