
Less than one week

Three days


Day One a.m.


Defining your product.

Defining what your product will be in the future.

Describe the major trends, characteristics and issues in the present market place.

Do you agree with the present trends?

Are you going to conform to the present trends?

Day One p.m.


Determining price targets

Determining price targets for the future

Discussion of price targets and relationships to a business plan.

The details of your Business Plan.

Smart Goals - Specific Measurable Realistic Time Oriented Goals.

Day Two a.m.


Provide information on the target market describe the competition and how the product will be distributed.

Who is your competition?

What will your competitive advantage be?

What is market research?

How do you do market research?

Do you do market testing?

How do you determine the results of market testing?

Do you have a typical customer profile?

Day Two p.m.

Marketing Techniques


Word of mouth selling is it effective?

How do you increase your word of mouth sales?

What does effective word of mouth communication look like?

Pitfalls in word of mouth marketing.

Business cards, glossy brochures and news paper advertizing.

Understanding web based sales.

The basics of a web page, YouTube videos and social media.

Day Three a.m.


The advantages or disadvantages of Direct sales agreements.

The advantages or disadvantages of Partnership agreements

The advantages or disadvantages of Joint venture agreements

The advantages or disadvantages of selling on credit

The advantages or disadvantages of becoming a merchant.

Local sales versus national sales versus international sales.

Day Three p.m.

Pulling it together.

Once agreement has been created on the other areas and the plan has been created. The plan needs to be written. The written plan will maintain more relevance when it is synergized with the Business Strategy and financial management plan. This session will look at and work through the conflict that will come with putting the plan in focus with the other planning tools. The marketing plan must be the right fit for the farm and the farm families involved.



This will be $800.00 per day per person work book to be provided. Meals shall be the responsibility of the student. This will be on site. Additional Costs for rooms and mileage and any other extras will be the responsibility of the student. Those will be agreed to prior to the start of the course. If Students choose this can be completed in 1/2 day segments but the course must be completed within two months. Minimum two maximum five pers course.

Target Audience:

Ranchers, mixed farmers and specialty direct marketers who seek to develop their own marketing plan

Recognition Provided:


Certificate of completion

Method of Instruction:


This will be one on one instruction or small group instruction

Availability of Program:


Available year-round upon request

Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Other Animal

Subject of Training:

Marketing (includes value added)

Marketing Strategy is a process where the ultimate goal is finding your market and taking steps to create markets for your products in the world of the internet, YouTube, and various other social media sources along with tried and true methods of human and personal contacts.

The first step in this process is to develop a plan by defining your product or products that you have for sale.  If the vision of each member of your farm or ranch is not addressed and not all parties have had, an opportunity to share what is going to be sold there is a high probability of conflict within the organization. While there may be sales, the energy driving those sales will lack. This seminar will be geared to groups i.e. ranchers, mixed farmers and specialty direct marketers to give them the skills and tools to develop their own plan. The normal approach to marketing is to “Fix the problem”. This course is about a comprehensive approach to a marketing plan. This is not a quick fix solution.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Robert Stocks

Last Updated: 2014-02-25



Less than one week

Three days


The Financial Statement

Day 1.

This will be a full day session.

The first part will discuss the varying options for planning.

Do I use my own?

Do I use a package?

The Balance sheet will be discussed, the Income statement. Cash flow projections, historical data.

Where am I today (complete a farm profile describing the current financial situation of the farm operation)?

Financial projections (at least one year) allow for trend analysis and other comparative analysis to occur.

Day 2


Putting it all together financially.

After the historical analysis has been completed and the balance sheet information has been completed projections need to be prepared.

What are the current goals of the farm?

What are the realistic objectives of the farm?

Is restructuring required?

What do the projections and ratio’s mean?

What are the specifics?

How do I get there?

How will I know if goals and objectives are being met over time?

Examination of alternative plans such as the addition, expansion, or phasing out of a livestock operation or buying, selling, or renting land.

Assessment of the identified option(s). Projected (monthly or quarterly) accrual based cash flow statement for a full production cycle or the time period required and implementing the proposed change(s). Calculation and description of the following financial indicators/ratios on a before and after basis, with a comparison to industry standards and benchmarks (i.e. current ratio, working capital, debt structure, debt to equity, equity ratio, debt servicing ratio).

Day Three

The Written Report

Where is the farm at from a written perspective

Are the goals “Smart” goals specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timely?

Who is the report being prepared for?

1.     The financial community

2.     Internal review by the owners

3.     Internal review by the managers

The Narrative

What information should be in the written report narrative?

The Executive Summary

What information should be in the executive summary narrative?

A “Swat” analysis. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

The Narrative Action Plan - identify and explain the actions, timetables and key responsibilities for implementing the recommended change option. Outline accountability for plan monitoring, timing of reports and a process for follow-up.

Who is responsible for ongoing review and analysis of the action plan?

How often will monitoring take place?

What financial data and or information will be reviewed, and monitored on a regular basis?

Indicate a process for monitoring if goals and objectives are being met.

If goals and objectives are not being met, is there a plan in place to re-evaluate with a view for continued advancement?



This will be $800.00 per day per person work book to be provided. Meals shall be the responsibility of the student. This will be on site. Additional Costs for rooms and mileage and any other extras will be the responsibility of the student. Those will be agreed to prior to the start of the course. If Students choose this can be completed in 1/2 day segments but the course must be completed within two months. Minimum two maximum five pers course.

Target Audience:

Farmers who are seeking assistance in creating a real plan or revising an old plan to meet their needs today

Recognition Provided:


Certificate of completion

Method of Instruction:


This will be one on one or small group instruction

Availability of Program:


Available upon request

Agriculture Business:

Other Animal

Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Robert Stocks

Last Updated: 2014-02-25



Less than one week

Three days


Day One  a.m.

The Current Farm

Describe the current farm?

Who are the stakeholders?

Who are the key stakeholders?

What is this plan attempting to achieve for the key stakeholders?

What will this farm look like in five years?

What are the long-term farm objectives?

What are the needs, wants and desires of the auxiliary stakeholders i.e. non farming children?

Day One p.m.

The Various Structures Overview

The proprietorship

The partnership

The corporation

The joint venture

Day Two a.m.

The Various Business Structures Continued

The Various Structures

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities and Threats

The advantages of each

The disadvantages of each

Tax implications

Cost implications

Risk management implications

This discussion will take place with respect to today’s needs and the anticipated needs in the future.

Day Two p.m.

The Questions

What will the plan accomplish?

What is the process of executing this plan?

What specific assets will be transferred including land, machinery, livestock, quota, etc. and when? 

What is the implementation time schedule for each step?

Who is responsible for each step?

How will the key stakeholders provide communication to each other and to advisors?

Who will champion the communication process among key stakeholders and advisors? 

What can upset the plan?

What can be incorporated in the plan, to mitigate the risks?

Identity and list the things that may go wrong with this plan (death, disability, disillusionment, divorce, lack of farm viability, etc.). 

When will this plan be updated?

Day Three Full Day

The Report

Putting it all together

The focus on this session will be what is the written plan for the future.

The financial picture where is the farm at and what are the objectives in written form. While the ideas are important everything may change when it is written.

Can the farm survive and prosper?

What about the management the control and the labor plans for the farm?

Is this the best plan for you or the best plan for your professional advisors?

Does this plan work within your succession plan, your financial plan and your business strategy?

It is critical that this plan integrates with the other plans on the farm.

If those other plans do not exist then an overview will be provided, with respect to those plans and why this needs to be part of the overall management strategy.



This will be $800.00 per day per person work book to be provided. Meals shall be the responsibility of the student. This will be on site. Additional Costs for rooms and mileage and any other extras will be the responsibility of the student. Those will be agreed to prior to the start of the course. If Students choose this can be completed in 1/2 day segments but the course must be completed within two months. Minimum two maximum five pers course.

Target Audience:

Various farmers and ranchers and producers who are looking at more than tax planning with respect to developing a business structure plan that meets their needs

Recognition Provided:


Certificate of completion

Method of Instruction:


This will be either one on one or small group instruction

Availability of Program:


Available as required at a mutually convenient time for the instructor and student or students

Agriculture Business:

Other Animal
Field Fruit and Vegetables

Subject of Training:

Financial Management (includes production economics)
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

The present agri-business environment has changed dramatically over the past few decades. The various notions with respect to proprietorships, joint ventures and partnerships and corporations has had limited debate. The major driver of Business Structure development has been tax planning.  This course will discuss a variety of issues, which face a farm owner or manager when assessing various business structures for both the long term and short-term perspective. These issues have become increasingly real and complex. Second guessing has been part of the business structure planning process. This course will give farmers information so that this matter can be discussed with their professionals in a real and an intelligent way. There is no one size fits all discussion in Business Structures.

This does not include the preparation of corporate documents or tax advice for specific situations.

Forrmal agreements and/or contracts are not included

This is about putting a written plan in place for review in the future.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Robert Stocks

Last Updated: 2014-02-25



Less than one week

Three days


The Morning Session

Day One a.m.

The Big Picture Ideas

Why a business strategy and why it needs to be aligned with your personal life strategy. A discussion of the various resources that are available and a discussion about the workbook. What is required? Why is a business strategy required? How will this intersect with your marketing plan and your financial management plan?

The Business Strategy in the context of your personal life strategy. You will look at your own talents and abilities from a personal basis and see how they will intersect with your business strategy.

Day One p.m.

The Mission Statement and the Personal Life Strategy

1:00 -4:00. The Mission Statement for your business and your personal life. Do these statements align with each other? If not, why not?

Basic introduction to conflict resolution.  

The vision. What do I want?

What does each member of the farming unit want?

Is the vision a common vision?

Day Two a.m.

The Business Strategy Roles and Core Values

The various roles of the farming unit, and core values will be discussed. What are the core values of the participants? Do they align with each other? Do the core values and the roles make the best use of the time, talents, capacities and energies of the farming unit?

Day Two p.m.

Smart Goals and Swat analysis

The business strategy moves from the macro level to the micro level and becomes specific.

What are the goals and a very specific discussion begins.

The goals are “Smart Goals”

·        Smart Goals – Specific, Measurable, Realistic, Time Oriented Goals.

A Swat analysis

·        A discussion will place with respect to, strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.

Day Three a.m.

The reporting and Writing Process

The third day takes the information of the previous two days and now defines the goals in a specific manner.

Why is it important to take this information from your head and write it down?

What are the 1. Short Term Goals of the farm?

                    2. Long term Goals of the farm?

                    3. Family Goals of each family member?

 4. Do these goals align?

Day Three p.m.

The Wrap Up

The afternoon session talks about

1. An Implementation plan

2. A measurement of does this strategy find a way of being measured? Is the measurement an economic measurement or a life style measurement or both?

3. When will the plan be updated? Who will be responsible for the updates?



This will be $800.00 per day per person work book to be provided. Meals shall be the responsibility of the student. This will be on site.  Additional Costs for rooms and mileage and any other extras will be the responsibility of the student. Those will be agreed to prior to the start of the course. If Students choose this can be completed in 1/2 day segments but the course must be completed within two months. Minimum two maximum five pers course.

Target Audience:

Farmers and ranchers who want a real business strategy which meets their needs

Recognition Provided:


Certificate of completion

Method of Instruction:


This will be one on one instruction or small group instruction

Availability of Program:


Available upon request

Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Poultry and Egg

Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

The present equipment, environmental concerns, costs of chemical and fertilizer, cost of financing and a host of other issues have placed Business Strategy at the foundation of a farm managers decision making requirements. The cost of no written strategy versus having a written strategy has become a major topic for debate. This course will discuss a variety of issues, which face a farm owner or manager when assessing the farm. These issues have become increasingly real and complex.  Business Strategy planning is a process where the ultimate goal is finding your voice and taking steps to hear your voice and write your goals so that those goals may behard wired into your psyche.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Robert Stocks

Last Updated: 2014-02-25

Six Day Holistic Management Course


Less than one week

April 10,11,12,24,25 &15th     2014

Bengough Area


Lecture,hands on and workshop

Start at 9am and end at 4pm



We take a Min of 6 couples and a Max of 10 couples   ie 10 couples $1000/couple

Target Audience:

Anyone interested in agriculture

Recognition Provided:



Method of Instruction:


Lecture,hands on and workshop.

Availability of Program:


We go the where the people are we fit times into their scheduals. We are very flexible.

Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Other Animal
Poultry and Egg
Tree Fruit and Vine

Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning

teach people to have healthy land,profits and a good quality of life.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Ralph Corcoran, Holistic Manager Educator

Last Updated: 2014-02-25

Six Day Holistic Management Course


Less than one week

March 3,4,5,17,18, &19th     2014

Yorkton Sask


We start at 9am and end at 4pm wehave lectures,hands on and work shops



We take a Min of 6 couples and a Max of 10 couples  ie;10 couples $1000/couple

Target Audience:

Anyone interested in agriculture

Recognition Provided:



Method of Instruction:


Lecture,hands on and workshops

Availability of Program:


We go to where the people are and make things fit to their scheduals

Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Other Animal
Poultry and Egg
Tree Fruit and Vine

Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning

Teach people to have healthy land,profits and a good quality of life

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Ralph Corcoran, Holistic Manager Educator

Last Updated: 2014-02-25

Holistic Management


Less than one week

Arcola March 1,2&3,10,11 &12th   2014

Arcola Legion Hall


Our days start at 9am and end at 4pm we have a mix of lecture,hands on and work excersises



We have a Min of 6 couples and a Max of 10 couples  ie;10 couples $1000/couple

Target Audience:

Anyone that has an interest in agriculture

Recognition Provided:



Method of Instruction:


Lecture,hands on and workshops

Availability of Program:


We go to the area where the people are living and we fit into their scheduals the best we can. We are very flexible.

Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Other Animal
Poultry and Egg
Tree Fruit and Vine

Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning

Helping people make better decissions

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Ralph Corcoran, Holistic Manager Educator

Last Updated: 2014-02-25



Less than one week

Yorkton area

March 3,4,5,17,18&19th


9am to 4pm each day

classroom instruction and hands on learning



Tuition is $500-$1000/person depending on enrolment, min of 10 people max of 20 people. Choice of books and materials from $40 to $250

Target Audience:


Recognition Provided:


no certificate is issued lots of hands on training

Method of Instruction:


Instruction is all done in a classroom setting. Hands on training. A management club is formed among participants to be formed to be a support in the future.

Availability of Program:


We are very flexible with days and hours. We travel to particpants area. Daytime, evenings, weekends year around. 

Agriculture Business:

Other Animal

Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning

Planned Grazing, Financial planning, Biological planning, Land planning, Goal setting

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Ralph Corcoran

Last Updated: 2014-02-24

Decisive Farming

P.O Box 730
Irricana t0m 1b0
Visit our Website

For information contact:
Justin Schmaltz



Last Updated: 2014-03-20