Undergraduate Studies in Agricultural Sciences (animal, plant, soil, environment)

McGill University

21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9

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More than 2 months

3 years (90 credits) leading to a B.Sc. in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences 

Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production

The Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Majors are designed to provide students with a broad appreciation of the scientific and applied aspects of modern agriculture and the flexibility to pursue individual interests.

Focus on one of the following 42-credits majors, to provide a solid foundation of basic and applied sciences and then select at least one specialization.



Language of Instruction:


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Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Gestion et exploitation d'entreprise agricole

McGill University - Macdonald College

Harrison House, 21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9

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More than 2 months

3 ans (6 semestres)

Target Audience:

Tous les cours sont enseignés en anglais. Le programme est appelé ''Farm Management and Technology'' en anglais.

Recognition Provided:


Diplôme d'études collégiales (DEC)

Method of Instruction:


De petits groupes, cours en classe principalement avec une partie lecture et laboratoire et des visites d'entreprises

Sur le site disponibles pour l'enseignement et la recherche:

-une ferme laitière, porcine et pour la volaille

-200 ha de grandes cultures, 7 ha production maraîchère, 7 ha de verger de pommiers

-245 ha de forêt à l'arboretum Morgan

-2000 m2 de serres

-vignoble, arbres à noix et fruits exotiques

Availability of Program:


Semestre d'automne (Fin août à décembre)

Semestre d'hiver (Janvier à début mai)

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production

L’objectif principal du programme est de développer les compétences professionnelles nécessaires pour exploiter et gérer une entreprise agricole moderne. Cet objectif est atteint par l’obtention de connaissances en productions animales et végétales, sur la conservation du sol et de l’eau, la planification et gestion des charges fertilisantes, l’entretien et l’efficacité des machineries, équipements et bâtiments agricoles, les nouvelles technologies comme l’agriculture de précision, et plus encore par le développement des habilités en gestion financière, gestion du  risque, et prise de décision. Notre but est de développer, chez nos étudiants, les qualités d’un bon gestionnaire, promouvoir la croissance personnelle ainsi que l’habilité à s’adapter à un monde en changement.

Le programme s’adresse à toutes les personnes intéressées à travailler dans le domaine de l’agriculture ou dans le secteur agro-alimentaire. De plus, les diplômés de notre programme peuvent poursuivre leur éducation dans un programme baccalauréat en agriculture à l'Université McGill et à l'Université Laval.


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Bioresource Engineering

McGill University - Macdonald College

Harrison House, 21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9

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More than 2 months

3.5 years (113 credits)

Our program is accredited by the Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB): graduates automatically qualify for membership in the Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec (after meeting various conditions such as passing the French language test, paying some appropriate fees, etc.). This corresponds directly to \Professional Engineer\" status in other Canadian provinces and Territories, as well as various states of the US.


Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance

Bioresource Engineering is an interdisciplinary program that integrates engineering, design and the biological sciences. It is a unique profession that applies engineering principles to the enhancement and sustainability of the world’s natural resources. Bioresource Engineers seek solutions to problems that involve plants, animals and the environment.

Bioresource Engineering includes the design, construction, operation, maintenance, remediation and upgrading of systems that contain biological components.

This also includes the design of many of the technological constructions that are part of such systems. Thus, Bioresource Engineering includes quite a few sub-disciplines, which are linked because of their biological orientation.

Five Optional Career Streams of Concentration

We fully recognize that no one can be an expert on everything. By choosing specific course sets, you can concentrate more on some aspects of Bioresource Engineering than on others. We have five optional* career streams of focus in the undergraduate program:

1-BioEnvironmental Engineering
2-Soil and Water Engineering
3-Ecological Engineering
4-Food and Bioprocess Engineering
5-Agricultural Engineering

*A student is not required to choose from one of the five optional career streams. All students following the Bioresource Engineering degree will graduate with a BEng. Bioresource upon successful completion of all required courses.


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Farm Management and Technology Program

McGill University

21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9

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More than 2 months

3 years long (6 semesters)

Target Audience:

All courses are taught in English

Recognition Provided:


College Diploma of Studies (Diplome d'Etudes Collegiales)

Method of Instruction:


Small groups, in class courses mostly lectures and laboratories and field trips

Available for teaching and research:

-dairy, swine and poultry facilities

-200 ha of field crops, 7 ha of vegetable fields, 7 ha apple orchard

-245 ha of forest in the Morgan Arboretum

-2000 m2 of greenhouses

-Vineyard, nut trees and exotic fuits

Availability of Program:


Fall semester (Late August - December)

Winter semester (January - Early May)

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production

The main objective of this program is to develop the professional competencies needed to operate and manage a modern agricultural enterprise. This is achieved through the development of skills related to animal and plant productions, soil and water conservation, nutrient management, farm machinery, equipment and building maintenance and efficiency, new technologies like precision farming and, most importantly, financial management, risk management and decision-making skills. We also aim to develop the student’s entrepreneurial skills, personal growth and the ability to adapt to a changing world.


The program is open to anyone interested in agriculture, or in a career in the agri-food sector.Furthermore, graduates of our program can transfer into undergraduate degree programs in agriculture at McGill University.


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Undergraduate Studies in Agricultural Economics

McGill University

21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9

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More than 2 months

3 years (90 credits for the major)

Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)

The Major in Agricultural Economics is designed to meet the increasing public concerns related to the environment and resource use, and the importance of economics and management in the global food system. This multidisciplinary program in applied economics involves the application of economic theory and analytical methods to environmental issues and the agriculture and food system. Students receive training in economic theory and applied areas such as marketing, finance, public policy, ecology, natural resources and international development.

Students have to select one of the two options Agri-Business or Environmental Economics


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

(514) 398-7826
Visit the program Web site
John Henning, Program Director, Agricultural Economics

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Agricultural Economics

McGill University - Macdonald College

Harrison House, 21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9

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More than 2 months

3 years (90 credits for the major)

Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Marketing (includes value added)

The Major in Agricultural Economics is designed to meet the increasing public concerns related to the environment and resource use, and the importance of economics and management in the global food system. This multidisciplinary program in applied economics involves the application of economic theory and analytical methods to environmental issues and the agriculture and food system. Students receive training in economic theory and applied areas such as marketing, finance, public policy, ecology, natural resources and international development.

Students have two options: Agri-Business or Environmental Economics


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

(514) 398-7826
Visit the program Web site
John C.M. Henning, Program Director, Agricultural Economics

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Farm Management and Technology Program

McGill University - Macdonald College

Harrison House, 21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9

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More than 2 months

3 years long (6 semesters)

Target Audience:

All courses are taught in English

Recognition Provided:


College Diploma of Studies (Diplome d'Etudes Collegiales)

Method of Instruction:


Small groups, in class courses mostly lectures and laboratories and field trips

Available for teaching and research:

-dairy, swine and poultry facilities

-200 ha of field crops, 7 ha of vegetable fields, 7 ha apple orchard

-245 ha of forest in the Morgan Arboretum

-2000 m2 of greenhouses

-Vineyard, nut trees and exotic fuits

Availability of Program:


Fall semester (Late August - December)

Winter semester (January - Early May)

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production

The main objective of this program is to develop the professional competencies needed to operate and manage a modern agricultural enterprise. This is achieved through the development of skills related to animal and plant productions, soil and water conservation, nutrient management, farm machinery, equipment and building maintenance and efficiency, new technologies like precision farming and, most importantly, financial management, risk management and decision-making skills. We also aim to develop the student’s entrepreneurial skills, personal growth and the ability to adapt to a changing world.


The program is open to anyone interested in agriculture, or in a career in the agri-food sector. Furthermore, graduates of our program can transfer into undergraduate degree programs in agriculture at McGill University.


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

McGill University

21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste. Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9
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For information contact:
Macdonald Campus

(514) 398-7925

Last Updated: 2013-05-03

McGill University - Macdonald College

Harrison House, 21111 Lakeshore Road
Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue QC H9X 3V9
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For information contact:
Administrative Assistant

(514) 398-7814

Last Updated: 2013-05-03

Gestion et exploitation d'entreprise agricole

Cégep d'Alma

675 Boulevard Auger Ouest
Alma QC G8B 2B7

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More than 2 months

2 745 h

Method of Instruction:


Availability of Program:


Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Poultry and Egg

Subject of Training:

Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning
Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources

Ce programme vise à donner à l’élève la formation nécessaire pour devenir un technologue agriculteur ou agricultrice, gestionnaire d’entreprise. Au terme de sa formation, l’élève sera capable d’appliquer les notions et les données techniques de base en productions animales ou végétales, et en génie rural; de réaliser les tâches et les opérations relatives à une ou à des productions animales ou végétales données, ainsi qu’à l’entretien régulier et aux réparations mineures de machinerie, d’équipement, de tracteurs et de bâtiments, nécessaires à la production. L’élève sera aussi en mesure d’élaborer les divers programmes relatifs aux principales productions animales ou végétales; de planifier l’aménagement des bâtiments, la conservation du sol et le contrôle de l’eau; de gérer les matières organiques et de choisir adéquatement l’équipement, les tracteurs et la machinerie. L’élève sera capable de réaliser et contrôler les opérations administratives courantes d’une entreprise agricole.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

(418) 668-2387, poste 236
Louise Tremblay

Last Updated: 2013-05-09