Working Sm@rt with BlackBerry

Rural Ontario Institute

5653 Highway # 6 N, R.R. # 5
Guelph ON N1H 6J2

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Less than one week

1/2 Day



2011 Workshop Dates:  April 13th; October 19th

Target Audience:

The workshop is targeted to those individuals looking to enhance their personal productivity skills through better use of the BlackBerry device and its associated functions

Recognition Provided:


Certificate from the Rural Ontario Institute

Method of Instruction:


Availability of Program:


Please contact the Rural Ontario Institute for more details

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

Created in conjunction with Research in Motion (RIM), graduates of this workshop increase productivity and enhance on-the-job performance by knowing how to match the right process and skill set when using their BlackBerry devices

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

(519) 826-4204
Visit the program Web site
Denise Mouter, Administrative Assistant

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Inspiring and Monitoring Association Performance

Rural Ontario Institute

5653 Highway # 6 N, R.R. # 5
Guelph ON N1H 6J2

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Find the Rural Ontario Institute using Google Maps


Less than one week

1/2 Day



The next workshop is scheduled for October 26, 2011.

This 1/2 workshop is held in conjunction with the 1/2 day workshop on \Understanding Not-for-Profit Organization Financials\".  If attend both workshops the full day cost is $545.00. 


Target Audience:

The course is targeted to those individuals who are board members of not-for-profit organizations and charitable organizations

Recognition Provided:


Certificate from the Rural Ontario Institute

Method of Instruction:


Availability of Program:


Contact the Rural Ontario Institute for more details

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:


Focus on the board member's responsiblity to inspire and monitor organization's performance

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Denise Mouter, Administrative Assistant

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Growing Strawberries Organically

Canadian Organic Growers

39 McArthur Av
Ottawa ON K1L 8L7

Visit our Website


Less than one week



-         Ottawa on Feb 11, 2012 (specific location still to be determined)

-         Guelph region March 3, 2012: Bloomindgale Community Centre, 1031 Snyder's Flats Road, Blomindgale




Strawberries are known to have high levels of pesticide residues compared to most other crops. There is a strong public demand for organic strawberries, but the supply is very limited. The Growing Strawberries Organically workshop will help farmers tap into this important niche market. A companion to COG’s newly released Practical Skills Handbook Growing Strawberries Organically, this workshop covers important considerations and management strategies to successful organic strawberry production.


The Growing Strawberries Organically workshop is for organic growers wanting to diversify their farm or improve the quality and quantity of their organic strawberries, or conventional growers wanting to explore organic strawberries as an option, or simply to reduce their pesticide usage while still raising quality berries.





Cost: Includes lunch and a copy of COG’s Practical Skills Handbook Growing Strawberries Organically

-         $60 COG members

-         $70 for non-members

-         $35 for additional people from the same farm business (excludes book).

-         Additional books are $15 ea (reg $19-$22).


Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables

Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production

Growing Strawberries Organically


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Una Huzbasic, Office Manager

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Best Management Practices - Use Financial Information for Decision Making

Lance Stockbrugger Chartered Accountant

PO Box 212
Englefeld SK S0K 1N0


Less than one week

Initial sign up & Information Gathering January 16, 2012 - Saskatoon

Individual Data gathering & input training - February - March 2012

Follow up Meeting - TBA (Fall 2012) 


Day 1 - Explanation of information required to participate (1.5 hour)
         - Accounting systems used and how they impact decsion making (.5 hr)
         - Description of various ratio analysis that will be performed and brief explanation of what they tell you (1 hr)

Individual Meetings - Held to gather information and start working through inputing into ratio calculations and assist with data gathering.  (6.5hrs)

Day 2 Group Meeting - indepth discussion of ratio's calculated and provide benchmark data (2hrs)
 - provide tool (Spreadsheet) to individuals and how to update for future years to monitor business (2.5 hrs)
 - Q&A, information sharing and group discussions about possible solutions to improve business and what impact certian decisions will have on your business (2 hrs)




Tuition to participate $2,800 plus out of pocket costs for individual meetings such as mileage (@$0.50/km and meal allowance $20/meal). 

Target Audience:

Young farmers < 40 years of age that want to make more informed decisions for their operation or better assess the operation that they may be taking over from their family.  Will consider expanding this to all producers who show an interest in using financial data for decision making.

Recognition Provided:


Financial ratio's provided for participants operation (or family's operation) along with certificate of completion.

Method of Instruction:


2 day workshop/classroom meetings with individual time spent working with participants on their own fincial information between the two group meetings.

Availability of Program:


November to March

Agriculture Business:

Poultry and Egg
Field Fruit and Vegetables
Tree Fruit and Vine
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture

Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Succession Planning

Financial ratio calculation and tool provided to update into the future to assist in desicion making process.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Lance Stockbrugger Chartered Accountant

PO Box 212
Englefeld SK S0K 1N0

For information contact:
Lance Stockbrugger


Last Updated: 2013-05-03

Robert Stocks

4-315 Victoria Avenue
Regina SK S4N 0P5
Visit our Website

For information contact:
Robert (Bob) Stocks


Last Updated: 2016-09-01

Crop Planning for Vegetable Growers

Canadian Organic Growers

39 McArthur Av
Ottawa ON K1L 8L7

Visit our Website


Less than one week

6 hours



$60 + HST per person. Includes a copy of Crop Planning for Organic Vegetable Growers, and snacks. Date: January 27, 2011 Location: Guelph Organic Conference, University of Guelph, University Centre, Room UC103 Time: 9:00 - 3:00

Target Audience:

This workshop is appropriate for vegetable growers of any scale regardless of whether they are organic or not.

Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables

Subject of Training:

Crop Production

This workshop provides a much-needed structure for figuring out how to make money on a market garden. It hones in on the core issues of farm success: which crops to grow, when to plant them, and in what quantities. Then it provides a logical, linear process for getting it all done, on time. It sets out 11 steps, including: * Decide how much money you need to make; * Calculate how much of each veggie you have to sell to meet your financial goals; * Decide where you will sell; * Make field planting schedules to ensure you have the crops you need at the right time; * Generate greenhouse/seed starting schedules; * Fill out a seed order; * Make a field operations calendar; * Analyze profitability and refine your plans for next year.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Danielle Chabassol, Office Manager

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Transitioning the Small Produce Farm Webinar

Canadian Organic Growers

39 McArthur Av
Ottawa ON K1L 8L7

Visit our Website


Less than one week

1 Hour


$20 + tax

Date: February 1st, 2011 Time: 12pm - 1pm EST

Target Audience:

This course is intended for existing produce farmers who want to transition to certified organic production.

Method of Instruction:


This is a web based course.

Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables

Subject of Training:

Crop Production

The course walks each producer through the development of an organic plan specific to their farm, including: soil assessment, fertility plan, pest management plan, weed management plan, cropping plan and plans for monitoring and record keeping.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Danielle Chabassol, Office Manager

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Record Keeping for Organic Growers Webinar - Part 1 of 2

Canadian Organic Growers

39 McArthur Av
Ottawa ON K1L 8L7

Visit our Website


Less than one week

1 Hour


Cost: $20 + tax

Date: February 8th, 2011 Time: 12pm - 1pm EST

Target Audience:

Farmers, Organic Farmers.

Method of Instruction:


This is a web based course.

Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables

Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

One of the most challenging and important aspects of organic certification is the requirement to maintain records which enable the inspector to conduct a field to table audit of organic production. This 2-part webinar will help you learn the best way to set up a record keeping system, what types of records you need to keep, how your farm operation can benefit from improved record keeping as well as offer simple suggestions to make record keeping easier on your farm. Part 2 of the course will be offered on February 22, 2011, please be sure to register for both webinars!

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Danielle Chabassol, Office Manager

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

Record Keeping for Organic Growers Webinar - Part 2 of 2

Canadian Organic Growers

39 McArthur Av
Ottawa ON K1L 8L7

Visit our Website


Less than one week

1 Hour


Cost: $20 + tax

Date: February 22nd, 2011 Time: 12pm - 1pm EST

Target Audience:

Farmers, Organic Farmers

Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:

Field Fruit and Vegetables

Subject of Training:

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

One of the most challenging and important aspects of organic certification is the requirement to maintain records which enable the inspector to conduct a field to table audit of organic production. This 2-part webinar will help you learn the best way to set up a record keeping system, what types of records you need to keep, how your farm operation can benefit from improved record keeping as well as offer simple suggestions to make record keeping easier on your farm. Part 1 of the course will be offered on February 8th, 2011, please be sure to register for both webinars!

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Danielle Chabassol, Office Manager

Last Updated: 2013-05-09