250 City Centre Avenue, Suite 300
Ottawa ON K1R 6K7
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2-3 days/ 7 hours per day
Varies from event to event
Conference costs include 2 to 3 days of networking and learning: plenary speakers, workshops, banquet, meals and farm tours.
Target Audience:
farmers, farming families, agribusinesses, consultant, government, academia, industry
Recognition Provided:
Some participants are eligible for professional development credits - contact CFBMC to find out more!
Method of Instruction:
Participants will engage in plenary sessions, workshops and on-farm.on-site guided tours. Portions of the Conference will be broadcast live to an internet audience as well as archived for viewing after the Conference.
Availability of Program:
Conference usually runs January or February. Conference presentations and videos are available on farmcentre.com and www.agriwebinar.com. Check out last year's presentations!
Agriculture Business:
Field Fruit and Vegetables
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Other & Non-Traditional
Other Animal
Poultry and Egg
Tree Fruit and Vine
Subject of Training:
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning
Managing Excellence in Agriculture is a leading edge professional development and networking opportunity for farmers and farm families. It involves engaging speakers, thought provoking breakout sessions, interactive workshops and relationship building networking opportunities. This is a learning conference that will leave delegates a toolbox of farm management ideas and strategies to implement back on the farm when they return home.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Last Updated: 2015-05-08