Workshop Shellfish Hatchery Workshop

Malaspina University-College

Centre for Shellfish Research, Building 373, 900 5th St.
Nanaimo BC V9R 5S5

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Less than one week
4 hours


no cost
4 hours

Target Audience:


Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Animal Production
4 hours Feb 29, 10:00 - 2:00Malaspina University-College Campus, NanaimoBuilding 355, Room 203Concerned about future supplies of shellfish seed in BC?Please attend the upcoming workshop at the Centre for Shellfish Research:Lunch will be provided. To ensure that we have enough please RSVP to Debbie or call 250 740-6537Shortages of shellfish seed available from hatcheries in the US during 2005 and 2006 highlighted the established fact that the development of the BC shellfish aquaculture industry is overly dependant on foreign sources of seed. Although sufficient hatchery capacity has existed in British Columbia at various times, stand-alone hatcheries have not been economic when not integrated as part of a larger operation. In general stand alone hatcheries have not been able to compete with lower US seed prices.In addition to straightforward issues of supply, dependence on foreign seed brings up issues of trade security risk in terms of permitting and regulatory issues and competition. Ability to pursue the development of indigenous species, ensuring higher seed quality and promoting hatchery and development specific to BC is restricted. For a successful hatchery that serves the entire BC industry to be constructed and operated, some sort of a shared model may be the best opportunity. Read more...It is important that stakeholder input is received for this project and a general industry discussion takes place on this topic. Please plan to attend this important meeting to discuss the future of shellfish seed supplies.For more information – contact Brian Kingzett 250-740-6399Brian Kingzett, Field Site Manager, 250-740-6399, [email protected]

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

(250) 740-6399
Visit the program Web site
Greg Bromley, Field Site Manager

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

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