583 Duncan Ave W.
Penticton BC V2A 8E1
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Less than one week
3 days PEN 25-Feb to 27-Feb MTuW 8:30-16:00 = 3 days x 7.50 hours = 22.50 hoursPEN 1-Mar to 15-Mar Sa 8:30-16:00 = 3 days x 7.50 hours = 22.50 hoursTotal is 22.50 hours x 2 = 45 hours
3 days PEN 25-Feb to 27-Feb MTuW 8:30-16:00 = 3 days x 7.50 hours = 22.50 hoursPEN 1-Mar to 15-Mar Sa 8:30-16:00 = 3 days x 7.50 hours = 22.50 hoursTotal is 22.50 hours x 2 = 45 hours
3 days This three-day course reviews products and proceduresfor pest problems caused by insects, diseases andweeds. There is a strong focus on Integrated PestManagement and non-chemical methods of control.Topics covered will include new information on
3 days This three-day course reviews products and proceduresfor pest problems caused by insects, diseases andweeds. There is a strong focus on Integrated PestManagement and non-chemical methods of control.Topics covered will include new information on
Recognition Provided:
Method of Instruction:
Agriculture Business:
Subject of Training:
Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
3 days PEN 25-Feb to 27-Feb MTuW 8:30-16:00 = 3 days x 7.50 hours = 22.50 hoursPEN 1-Mar to 15-Mar Sa 8:30-16:00 = 3 days x 7.50 hours = 22.50 hoursTotal is 22.50 hours x 2 = 45 hours
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
3 days PEN 25-Feb to 27-Feb MTuW 8:30-16:00 = 3 days x 7.50 hours = 22.50 hoursPEN 1-Mar to 15-Mar Sa 8:30-16:00 = 3 days x 7.50 hours = 22.50 hoursTotal is 22.50 hours x 2 = 45 hours
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Last Updated: 2013-05-09
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