Nursery Production & Propagation: Science & Practice

University of the Fraser Valley - Agriculture Technology Department

45635 Yale Road
Chilliwack BC V2P 6T4

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More than 2 months

Winter semester (January-April), Chilliwack campus



14 sessions x 2 hours 50 min each = 40 hours

Recognition Provided:

Credit towards diploma/degree

Method of Instruction:


Availability of Program:


Winter semester (January-April)

Agriculture Business:

Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture

Subject of Training:

Crop Production
Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance

The production of commonly grown nursery crops in British Columbia will be covered. Topics include propagation, site selection and preparation, and basic nursery management. The scope of the nursery and landscape industry in BC will be explored along with the various aspects that make up this vibrant, growing industry. Special topics such as biosecurity, exports and imports will be discussed. Work in the UFV greenhouse and grounds, as well as several field trips to local nurseries and production areas may be required outside of regular class hours.


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

1-888-504-7441, ext. 2813
(604) 795-2813
Visit the program Web site
Shelley Hayes, Department Assistant/Advisor

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

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