Motive Power Technician - Diesel

Fanshawe College

1001 Fanshawe College Boulevard P.O. Box 7005
London ON N5Y 5R6

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More than 2 months
48 week accelerated program (2 year diploma)/ Monday to Friday - full time



Target Audience:

High school graduates, mature students, second career applicants

Recognition Provided:

2 year Ontario College Diploma

Method of Instruction:

Classroom leture and hands on lab activities

Availability of Program:


Subject of Training:

Equipment / Machine Operation and Maintenance
The Motive Power Technician (Diesel) Diploma program is a forty-eight week \accelerated\" program, consisting of three sequential semesters.The Motive Power Technician (Diesel) program is designed to develop graduates with essential advanced technical, organizational, interpersonal, administrative and managerial skills required for the heavy duty service industry as well as providing progressive and comprehensive learning experiences on internal combustion compression ignition engines, power trains and related modern heavy duty systems. Students will learn to communicate effectively, diagnose and solve problems logically and to undertake responsible work tasks with a minimum of supervision. Graduates may also be in a favourable status if they wish to apply for our alternative Motive Power Technician (Automotive) Diploma program. Credit for those courses that bridge our diploma programs will be granted; therefore, significantly reducing the requirements for this second Ontario College Diploma. "

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

519-452-4430-ext 4198
Collin Patterson, Program Coordinator

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

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