Box 1150, Highway 5 West
Humboldt SK S0K 2A0
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Less than one week
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1 day
Target Audience:
producers and researchers
Recognition Provided:
Method of Instruction:
speakers, technical presentations and field tours
speakers, technical presentations and field tours
Availability of Program:
Field Days are held annually at the Termuende Research Ranch near Lanigan, SK, one in the winter and one in the summer. These field days provide producers, researchers and clients with the opportunity to see the centre’s activities first hand. The days consist of guest speakers, technical presentations, and field tours.
Field Days are held annually at the Termuende Research Ranch near Lanigan, SK, one in the winter and one in the summer. These field days provide producers, researchers and clients with the opportunity to see the centre’s activities first hand. The days consist of guest speakers, technical presentations, and field tours.
Agriculture Business:
Subject of Training:
Animal Production
Current topics of interest to beef producers.
Current topics of interest to beef producers.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Last Updated: 2013-05-09
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