4500 50th Street
Olds AB T4H 1R6
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Less than one week
4 days/ 8 hrs per day
4 days/ 8 hrs per day
$550 plus GST
$550 plus GST
Target Audience:
Farmers, farm employees
Recognition Provided:
3 credit course
3 credit course
Method of Instruction:
Availability of Program:
Agriculture Business:
Subject of Training:
Animal Production
A.I. and Herd Improvement is an intensive five-day course that covers all aspects of A.I. and herd reproduction management. The course is a 35-hours credit course and credits may be transferred to a diploma. Learn about controlled breeding, sire selection, artificial insemination, semen handling and herd nutrition.
A.I. and Herd Improvement is an intensive five-day course that covers all aspects of A.I. and herd reproduction management. The course is a 35-hours credit course and credits may be transferred to a diploma. Learn about controlled breeding, sire selection, artificial insemination, semen handling and herd nutrition.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
(403) 507-7956
Visit the program Web site
Maureen Harbidge, Continuing Education Administrator
(403) 507-7956
Visit the program Web site
Maureen Harbidge, Continuing Education Administrator
Last Updated: 2013-05-09
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