2008 Livestock Care Conference

Alberta Farm Animal Care

Cambrian PO Box 75028
Calgary AB T2K 6J8

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Less than one week

1 day



Recognition Provided:

Credit towards diploma/degree


Method of Instruction:


Agriculture Business:

Poultry and Egg

Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure

John Webster, University of Bristol, New Trends in Animal Welfare: Science Values and EducationEd Pajor, Purdue University, Farm Animal Welfare in Europe, USA: Impact on Canadian AgricultureTerry Whiting, Chair CVMA Animal Welfare Committee, Livestock Care Laws, what Works? John Church, New Animal Welfare Audits at Alberta Provincial Meat Plant Temple Grandin, Colorado State University, Are we there yet?Dan Murphy, Meating Place & Poultry Magazine, Livestock Industry Messaging, How we are Heard?

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2015-05-11

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