
moins d’une semaine

Three days

This course will require completion of one segment in Growing Forward One or Growing Forward Two or prior approval from the instructor.  This is so that the participant received maximum value from this training course.  This is the instructor’s prerequisite, and not the prerequisite of Agriculture Canada or The Ministry of Agriculture.


The Morning Session

Day One a.m.

The Big Picture Ideas

Why a business strategy and why it needs to be aligned with your personal life strategy. A discussion of the various resources which are available, and a discussion about the workbook. What is required? Why is a business strategy required? How will this intersect with your marketing plan and your financial management plan?

The Business Strategy in the context of your personal life strategy. You will look at your own talents and abilities from a personal basis and see how they will intersect with your business strategy.

Day One p.m.

The Mission Statement and the Personal Life Strategy

1:00 -4:00. The Mission Statement for your business and your personal life. Do these statements align with each other? If not, why not?

Basic introduction to conflict resolution.  

The vision. What do I want?

What does each member of the farming unit want?

Is the vision a common vision?

Day Two a.m.

The Business Strategy Roles and Core Values

The various roles of the farming unit, and core values will be discussed. What are the core values of the participants? Do they align with each other? Do the core values and the roles make the best use of the time, talents, capacities and energies of the farming unit

Day Two p.m.

Smart Goals and Swat analysis

The business strategy moves from the macro level to the micro level and becomes specific.

What are the goals and a very specific discussion begins.

The goals are “Smart Goals”

·        Smart Goals – Specific, Measurable, Realistic, Time Oriented Goals.

A Swat analysis

·        A discussion will place with respect to, strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats.

Day Three a.m.

The reporting and Writing Process

The third day takes the information of the previous two days and now defines the goals in a specific manner.

Why is it important to take this information from your head and write it down?

What are the 1. Short Term Goals of the farm?

                    2. Long term Goals of the farm?

                    3. Family Goals of each family member?

 4. Do these goals align?

Day Three p.m.

The Wrap Up

The afternoon session talks about

1. An Implementation plan

2. A measurement of this strategy.  Is the measurement an economic measurement or a life style measurement or both?

3. When will the plan be updated? Who will be responsible for the updates?



This will be $800.00 per day per person work book to be provided. Meals shall be the responsibility of the student. This will be on site. Additional Costs for rooms and mileage and any other extras will be the responsibility of the student. Those will be agreed to prior to the start of the course. If Students choose this can be completed in 1/2 day segments but the course must be completed within two months. Minimum two maximum five pers course.

Target Audience:

Many farmers and ranchers have worked with a variety of consultants over the years on an ad hock basis putting various plans together. There comes a time where all of those various plans need to be amalgamated, refined, corrected and placed in an overall strategy that takes the various components and gives the farmer or rancher a single point of reference.

Recognition Provided:


Certificate of completion

Method of Instruction:

En Classe
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

This will be one on one instruction or small group instruction

Availability of Program:

Toute l'année

Available year-round

Agriculture Business:

Fruits de champs et Légumes
Autres Animaux

Subject of Training:

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise


The present-segmented plans are a positive place to begin from but they do not take into consideration the need for completing the overall plan from Business Strategy to Succession and the components in between. This course will discuss a variety of issues, which face a farm owner or manager when assessing the overall plan. These issues have become increasingly real and complex. Putting It All Together is a process where the ultimate goal is to use all that you have and put it together so that you can revise re write and seek guidance in specific areas where your needs are the greatest as you and your farm or ranch matures.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Robert Stocks

Last Updated: 2014-02-25

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