Introduction to Organic Soil Management and Nutrient Cycles

Organic Farming Institute of BC

PO Box 247
Keremeos BC V0X 1N0

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More than 2 months
40 hours over 12 weeks/ Self paced on-line



Target Audience:

New and Current Organic farmers, farm apprentices, farmers transitioning to organic methods.

Recognition Provided:

Stand alone course or part of Certificate in Organic Soil Management.

Method of Instruction:

Interactive and Engaging on line course, Self paced - Instructor guided. Video, Narrated presentations, Interactive presentations, quizzes, graded assignments and reading

Availability of Program:


Agriculture Business:

Tree Fruit and Vine
Field Fruit and Vegetables
Other & Non-Traditional

Subject of Training:

Crop Production
This course provides the foundation for organic soil management, the basis of successful organic farming including; Principles of organic soil management, Basic chemistry and plant growth, Soil formation, properties and types, Soil organic matter and biodiversity, Nutrients and nutrient cycles, Soil pH testing and assessment.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

(250) 938-7634
Visit the program Web site
Sarah Clark, Administrator

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

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