Organizational Behaviour (ADMN 220)

SIAST Kelsey Campus

PO Box 1520
Saskatoon SK S7K 3R5

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CRN: 03-705 January 9 - April 23, 2012                      Mondays 7-10pm                                                Room 145                                                                Location: Saskatoon


45 hours/15 weeks



Additional costs: books and materials range between $120-$150.

Method of Instruction:

En Classe

Availability of Program:

Toute l'année
En soirée

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Ressources humaines

You will study human behaviour in organizations and develop the skills needed to deal with people at work.  Course content includes individual behaviour, values, interpersonal relationships and communications, group and team dynamics, organizational culture, leadership and change.  All topics are dealt with in the context of diverse formal organizations.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-08

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