PO Box 1520
Saskatoon SK S7K 3R5
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plus de 2 mois
CRN: 02-619 September 7 - December 14, 2011 Wednesdays 7-10pm Room 309 Location: Saskatoon
45 hours/15 weeks
Additional costs: books and materials range from $120 - $150
Method of Instruction:
En Classe
Availability of Program:
Toute l'année
En soirée
En soirée
Agriculture Business:
Subject of Training:
Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)
The course provides an in-depth study of generally accepted accounting principles as applied to accounting for current assets, capital assets, temporary and long-term investments, leases and accounting changes and correction of errors.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Last Updated: 2013-05-08
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