Using AgExpert Analyst - An Introduction

KF Ag Training & Consulting

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une semaine à 2 mois

Up to four days spread over several weeks or months.



A day consists of six hours of instruction. Participants may choose as many days as they wish and may choose only those days that they feel they require. The AgExpert Anaylst is a widely accepted computer based farm accounting program.

Day One:

Create a chart of accounts tailored to the specific needs of the participant. Participants will learn how to create a database, add new accounts and edit existing accounts. Using their own farm data participants will enter opening balances to prepare for transactions.

Day Two:

Using the database set up in day one participants will use their own farm data to record entries. Care will be taken to ensure participants are exposed to a variety of typical transactions. If necessary a sample database will be used and prepared transactiions entered.

Day Three:

Day three will take place two to three weeks later after the participants have had an opportunity to work on their records. This session will be used to answer questions that have arisen (participants will also be able to contact the instructor for help) and to solve problems. Time will be devoted to generating and interpreting relevant reports eg. GST,Income/Expense and various transaction reports.

Day Four:

This session is designed to assist the participant in completing a fiscal year end. It will include making adjusting entries,printing final reports and processing the year end. This session may need to take place several months after the initial introduction.



650.00 per day

Tuition     650.00 per day



Target Audience:

Farmers of all ages who are interested in improving their bookkeeping skills with a view to better financial management.

Recognition Provided:


A Certicficate of Completion will be issued.

Method of Instruction:

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Training is delivered in the home of the participant

Availability of Program:

Le jour
En soirée
Le week-end
Toute l'année

Training times are made as flexible as possible to accommodate participants.

Agriculture Business:

Fruits de champs et Légumes
Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement
Autres et Non Traditionnel
Autres Animaux
Volailles et Oeufs
Fruits de verger et Vignes

Subject of Training:

Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)

The training is designed to assist a participant in creating a bookkeeping system tailored to their specific operation and reporting needs. The participant learns how to make regular entries and produce and interpret financial management reports

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2015-02-11

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