QuickBooks Set Up - Beginners

ClareCreek Business Management

026345 Hwy 89
RR #5 Dundalk ON N0C 1B0

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moins d’une semaine

4 hours total  -  Jan. 26 or Feb. 15, 2012

Grey County Agricultural Services Centre

Box 463, 206 Toronto St. S, Unit 3

Markdale ON N0C 1H0 519-986-3756

f - 519-986-2643  www.greyagservices.ca




no dates or locations set up yet

Target Audience:

farmers who have no computerized bookkeeping and record keeping in place, have below average computer skills, and need assistance installing and setting up a program & database.

Method of Instruction:

En Classe

Classroom setting, using my computer and projecting onto a screen for everyone to see, 1 hour instruction, 15 minute break, 1 hour instruction, 15 minute break, balance for open discussion. This course is set up to encourage audience participation.

Availability of Program:

Toute l'année
En soirée
Le jour

Agriculture Business:

Fruits de verger et Vignes
Autres et Non Traditionnel
Autres Animaux
Fruits de champs et Légumes
Volailles et Oeufs
Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement

Subject of Training:

Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)

setting up and providing each participant with a personalized database on a flash drive that they will immediately be able to use, overview of using QuickBooks including basic mouse and entering functions, 10% discount in the purchase of QuickBooks if purchased through me, 1/2 hour free telephone consultation after program.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Jenny Peel, business owner

Last Updated: 2013-05-08

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