Swine - Farrow to Finish Technician (Level 1) Skill Set

Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development

Stettler AB

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Target Audience:

Highschool Students

Recognition Provided:


Method of Instruction:

En Classe
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Availability of Program:

Toute l'année

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Production animale
Fonctionnement et entretien d’équipement et de machinerie agricole
Recognize, treat & monitor basic health problems Demonstrate appropriate personal hygiene practices Maintain facility & equipment cleanliness and sanitationFarrowing Swine Monitor farrowing sows and carry out farm’s farrowing protocol Induce sows to farrow

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

(780) 644-5378
Visit the program Web site
Nicole Hornett, Green Program Coordinator

Last Updated: 2013-05-08

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