125, Morgan
Coaticook QC J1A 1V6
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*200$ et un dépôt de 100$ outils de base
*200$ et un dépôt de 100$ outils de base
Target Audience:
High school-level students.
Agriculture Business:
Fruits de champs et Légumes
Subject of Training:
This program aims to train skilled workers in horticulture able to prepare soils and cultivate field crops or greenhouse crops and able to do crop management, harvesting and machinery and equipment maintenance. Training covers garden plants and flowers, fruits and berries and vegetable.
This program aims to train skilled workers in horticulture able to prepare soils and cultivate field crops or greenhouse crops and able to do crop management, harvesting and machinery and equipment maintenance. Training covers garden plants and flowers, fruits and berries and vegetable.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Last Updated: 2013-05-08
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