Agronomy, Plant Science, Crop Science, Weed Science, Horticulture, Viticulture, Plant Ecology, Agroecology, Range Management, Entomology

University of British Columbia

Faculty of Land and Food Systems, Office of the Dean, #248-2357 Main Mall
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z4

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Recognition Provided:


Method of Instruction:

En Classe

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

The study of biological principles that determine plant growth and plant response to a range of cultural and environmental factors. Specific topics of plant production and utilization are covered including plants grown in laboratories, greenhouses, nurseries and on farms. Contemporary issues include conservation, sustainability, environmental integrity, food security and quality, biotechnology, integrated pest management, ecology, plant breeding, crop production practices and the changing consumer demands.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-08

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