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ACCT 351 - Intermediate Financial Accounting I

Athabasca University

1 University Drive
Athabasca AB T9S 3A3

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More than 2 months

Athabasca University is an online, distance education provider and offers courses on a year round basis. Students can commence a course the 1st day of any month, and have 6 months in which to complete a course.


Accounting 351 is the first course in the two-course intermediate accounting sequence. It provides in-depth coverage of

  • the environment of and conceptual framework for financial reporting.
  • accounting information processing systems.
  • the application of present value concepts in accounting.
  • preparing the basic financial statements—the statement of income, the cash flow statement, the retained earnings statement, statement of changes in shareholders’ equity, and the balance sheet, including presentation and disclosure issues.
  • accounting issues (both procedural and conceptual) related to the asset side of the balance sheet.

Many of these topics were covered in introductory financial accounting and are repeated here in a much more comprehensive fashion. The prerequisite for ACCT 351 is Accounting 253: Introductory Financial Accounting.

The content of this course complies with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).



As this is an online courses, students can study from anywhere at anytime. When students commence their studies, they are provided a week-by-week schedule that details all learning activities. Detailed information regarding evaluation is also provided. Below is the outline for the course.


Lesson 1: The Environment of and Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and Review of the Accounting Cycle

Lesson 2: Reporting Financial Performance

Lesson 3: Financial Position and Cash Flows

Lesson 4: Revenue Recognition

Lesson 5: Cash and Receivables

Lesson 6: Inventory

Lesson 7: Investments

Lesson 8: Property, Plant, and Equipment

Lesson 9: Depreciation, Impairment, and Disposition

Lesson 10: Intangible Assets and Goodwill




Based on 2012-13 academic year (3-credit course):

Tuition fee: $472

Learning Resourse Fee:$180 (includes all learning resources, including textbooks)

Students' Union ($9) and Alumni Relations ($2) Fees: $11

Out of Province Fee: $105


Target Audience:

Small to medium to large business owners, including agri-business owners and operators.

Recognition Provided:

Credit towards diploma/degree

Students can take this course as a stand-alone course or a part of a degree program.

Upon completion, students receive a formal e-letter from the University that provides them with their final grade.

Students may also request that a formal transcript be sent from the University to them or a third party.

Method of Instruction:


Athabasca University is an online, distance education provider. Students are provided academic instructor support, advising support and technical support. This support is provided online, via e-mail, or via phone.

Availability of Program:


Students can commence their studies the 1st of any month, provided Athabasca University has received their general application form (submitted once) and course registration form by the 10th day of the preceding month. For example, a student submits their form(s) by Oct 8th. He/she commences his/her studies on Nov 1st.

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Financial Management (includes production economics)

ACCT 351 - Intermediate Financial Accounting I


Accounting 351 is the first course in the two-course intermediate accounting sequence. It provides in-depth coverage of

  • the environment of and conceptual framework for financial reporting.
  • accounting information processing systems.
  • the application of present value concepts in accounting.
  • preparing the basic financial statements—the statement of income, the cash flow statement, the retained earnings statement, statement of changes in shareholders’ equity, and the balance sheet, including presentation and disclosure issues.
  • accounting issues (both procedural and conceptual) related to the asset side of the balance sheet.

Many of these topics were covered in introductory financial accounting and are repeated here in a much more comprehensive fashion. The prerequisite for ACCT 351 is Accounting 253: Introductory Financial Accounting.

The content of this course complies with IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standards).

As this is an online courses, students can study from anywhere at anytime. When students commence their studies, they are provided a week-by-week schedule that details all learning activities. Detailed information regarding evaluation is also provided. Below is the outline for the course.


Lesson 1: The Environment of and Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and Review of the Accounting Cycle

Lesson 2: Reporting Financial Performance

Lesson 3: Financial Position and Cash Flows

Lesson 4: Revenue Recognition

Lesson 5: Cash and Receivables

Lesson 6: Inventory

Lesson 7: Investments

Lesson 8: Property, Plant, and Equipment

Lesson 9: Depreciation, Impairment, and Disposition

Lesson 10: Intangible Assets and Goodwill


Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Cheryl Christensen, Coordinator, Advising Services

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

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