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AgExpert - Beginner training

Whitestar Livestock Services

Prince Albert SK S6V 5R2

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Less than one week

One on one training at your farm or residence. Length of program depends on the amount of training individuals wish to have. Usually one or two 8 hour days.


Day One

9-9:30 am: Installing software and creating a new file.

9:30-10 am: Business set-up. We will go through the business set-up process together, inputting your farm information.

10-1 pm: We will go through the chart of accounts together, adding and deleting accounts if necessary.

1-1:30 pm: take a break

1:30-3:30 pm: Inputting opening balances. This includes capital assets and inventory.

3:30-5 pm: Go through the reports, income statement vs. balance sheet items.

Day Two

9-12 pm: Income and expense transactions. Using your own income and expenses from the current year, we will enter income and expense transactions. We will go through receivable and payable transactions as well as debt payments. at the end of every month we will reconcile the bank and look at the reports to check our progress.

12-12:30 pm: take a break

12:30-2: Capital asset purchases or sales and adding a loan to the balance sheet.

2-3 pm: Inventory adjustments.

3-5 pm: Processing GST, year end process. How to use the management menu (if interested). Budgeting and planning.




$500 per day.

Target Audience:

Anyone wanting to do their own bookkeeping.

Recognition Provided:


AgExpert Certified Advisor

Method of Instruction:


I come to you so that we can use your records and receipts.

Availability of Program:


Available per request.

Agriculture Business:

Tree Fruit and Vine
Other & Non-Traditional
Other Animal
Field Fruit and Vegetables
Poultry and Egg
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture

Subject of Training:

Financial Management (includes production economics)

Training producers to do their own bookkeeping, keeping them aware of their financial standing throughout the year. As well as using AgExpert software for management purposes such as cost of production and budgeting.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

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