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Introduction to Commodity Risk Management 2013

AME -Agri-Food Management Excellence


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Less than one week

4 days/ 27 hours

January 15-18,2013


Tuesday, Jan. 17








Oakwood B Ballroom

Continental Breakfast







Oakwood B Ballroom



 9:00 a.m.

















Traditional Approaches to Hedging


Review and Exercises

10:45 a.m.


Traditional Approaches to Hedging


Developing a Risk Management Plan


Lunch – Gazebo’s Restaurant Lunch- Gazebo’s Restaurant <strong style="\&quot;mso-bidi-font-weight:" normal;\"="">



Tuition includes all program materials, continental breakfasts, lunches and breaks. Special rates for Executive Circle, Corporate Circle and Association members.

Target Audience:

This program is targeted to buyers and sellers of agricultural commodities.

Recognition Provided:


Upon completion of the program, participants will receive a certificate from the George Morris Centre, signed by the lead instructor for the program.

Method of Instruction:


Classroom instruction plus quizzes, and workshops. In today's increasingly competitive marketplace, downstream flexibility can be achieved in part by predicting and managing upstream risk. For any company whose production or inputs involve commodities, better price risk management can involve improving their use of options, futures and exchange rates. For companies whose outputs or raw materials are commodity-based, commodities trading strategies can help manage risks from unfavourable downstream price changes.

Availability of Program:


The program is usually held in January of each year in Guelph, Ontario. Additional programs may held in the spring if demand is high. Custom-designed programs are an option for individual companies or trade associations.

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources

1. Risk Management 2. Mechanics of Futures Trading 3. Hedging 4. Cash-Futures Price Relationships 5. Commodity Options - The new Alternative for Hedging 6. Alternative to Hedging for Forward Pricing 7. Technical Analysis 8. Developing A Marketing or Purchasing Plan

For program information contact:

(519) 822-3929 ext. 205
Visit the program Web site
Karen Bilton, Education Coordinator

Last Updated: 2013-05-15

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