PO Box 556
Regina SK S4P 3A3
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March 7 & 8, 2012 SIAST, Kelsey Campus in Saskatoon
March 21 & 22, 2012 SIAST, Wascana Campus in Regina
Wed. & Thurs. 9:00am - 4:00pm
Tuition fee:$314 (GST & Manaual included), 12 hours / 2 sessions
Recognition Provided:
Statement of Attendance
Method of Instruction:
Instructor lead in computer lab
Availability of Program:
Agriculture Business:
Subject of Training:
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
This 12-hour, hands-on course is designed to enable you to set up and use a complete set of farm books with the AgExpert Analyst software.You will develop a set of farm books, enter financial and inventory transactions, create reports for management purposes ( cash/accrual) and create reports for regulatory reporting (government program participation.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
(306) 775-7473
Visit the program Web site
Arla McLeod McLeod, Agriculture Programs
Last Updated: 2013-05-09