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Wheat, Durum and Barley Marketing

FarmLink Marketing Solutions

110-93 Lombard Ave
Winnipeg MB R3B 3B1

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Less than one week

Jan 31 Peace River, AB

Feb 2 Grand Prairie, AB

Feb 8 Dauphin, MB

Feb 9 Winnipeg, MB

Feb 14 Olds, AB

Feb 15 Calgary

Feb 20 North Battleford

Feb 21 Saskatoon

Feb 22 Yorkton

Feb 28 Lethbridge

March 6 Swift Current

March 7 Regina

March 13 Camrose

March 14 Edmonton



9am-10am Introductions and Course Overview

10-10:45 Evolution of Prairie Grain Economics and Farmer Concerns

11:00-12:00 Re-Introducing the Grain Industry

1-2pm Structure and Dynamics of the World Wheat Durum and Barley Markets

2:15-3:30 Local Market Pricing

3:30-4:00 Changes for Farm Businesses



Cost includes instruction, lunch, and course manual.

Target Audience:

Those who wish to increase there understanding of market signals in cereal grain production.  Topics include supply characteristics, local market pricing, and changes farm businesses should expect.

Recognition Provided:


A certificate will be awarded upon successful completion of the course.

Method of Instruction:


One of FarmLink's analysts will guide the class through the fundamentals of Canadian cereal crop marketing.

Availability of Program:


Classes are offered over the winter and wind down in the Spring of 2012.

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Financial Management (includes production economics)
Marketing (includes value added)

What happens on the other side of the CWB curtain...? For many years, producers have been focusing on the political debate, the cash pricing options, the CWB’s internal forecasts and unique payment mechanisms. This course will explain the mechanics of world markets for milling wheat, durum, coarse grains and malt barley, covering all the relevant end user dynamics, supply chains, quality parameters and pricing systems that combine to send signals to cereal growers around the world.



Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Visit the program Web site
Dan Hawkins, Marketing Advisor

Last Updated: 2013-05-09

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