2607 Paul Crescent
Saskatoon SK S7J 2T7
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Up to 6 hours. Course developed by FCC Management Software. Crop production records. Financial Planning.
Introduction, set up, entering crop records,sycronizing data, creating Field Management Pro Farm Financial Plans, Reports, Tools. Discussion of Field Manager PRO Consultant program.
Cost includes instruction and manual.
Participant provides own meal.
Target Audience:
Farmers and Ag. Business.
Recognition Provided:
Certificate of completion.
Method of Instruction:
Each participant will be working on a computer - either their own laptop or a provided computer.
Availability of Program:
February 12, 2013 Saskatoon FCC Boardroom
February 28, 2013 Prince Albert FCC Boardroom
Agriculture Business:
Tree Fruit and Vine
Subject of Training:
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Participant learns how to record production records and crop financial planning using the tools in Field Manager PRO.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Last Updated: 2013-05-09