026345 Hwy 89
RR #5 Dundalk ON N0C 1B0
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3 hours total - Feb. 1 or Feb. 23, 2012
Grey County Agricultural Services Centre
Box 463, 206 Toronto St. S, Unit 3
Markdale ON N0C 1H0 519-986-3756
f - 519-986-2643 www.greyagservices.ca
October 5, 2011; Mount Forest Firehall; 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Cost includes HST and is approved for GYFP funding.
Target Audience:
farmers who have no computerized bookkeeping and record keeping in place, have average to above average computer skills, and need assistance installing and setting up a program & database.
Method of Instruction:
First half will consist of accounting and QuickBooks review, 15 minute break, second half will be reserved for questions and discussions. Participation is encouraged in this relaxed and informal atmosphere.
Availability of Program:
Agriculture Business:
Tree Fruit and Vine
Other & Non-Traditional
Other Animal
Field Fruit and Vegetables
Poultry and Egg
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Subject of Training:
Review of basic accounting principles as they apply to the entering of bills, cheques, and sales in QuickBooks, using a personalized database provided on a flash drive for each participant to take with them. 10% discount on QuickBooks purchase also provided.
Language of Instruction:
For program information contact:
Last Updated: 2013-05-09