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Supervisory Strategies for the Skilled Trades (SUPR 1812)

SIAST Kelsey Campus

PO Box 1520
Saskatoon SK S7K 3R5

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moins d’une semaine

CRN: 03-634 October 26, 2011                            Wednesday 8am - 3pm                                        Room 128                                                            Location: Saskatoon

CRN: 02-635 November 23, 2011                            Wednesday 8am - 3pm                                      Room 128                                                      Location: Saskatoon

CRN: 03-720 March 28, 2012                         Wednesday 8am - 3pm                                         Room 129C                                                      Location: Saskatoon

CRN: 04-91 May 23, 2012                                    Wednesday 8am - 3pm                                        Room 128                                                       Location: Saskatoon


7 hours/1 day



GST included

Method of Instruction:

En Classe

Availability of Program:

Toute l'année
Le jour

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Ressources humaines

This interactive and dynamic one-day workshop is designed specifically for lead hands, shop supervisors and team leaders in trades, industries and manufacturing.  Participants will acquire tools that will enable them to take a proactive approach to supervision.  Our facilitator is an experienced supervisor within a variety of trades and industires, and will discuss strategies to prevent most supervisory problems.  Through discussion using realistic case studies based on situations unique to the trades environment, participants will develop tactics for dealing with problems quickly and decisively when they do occur.  Most people learn supervisory skills by trial and error and have never had formal training or even the time to consider the subtleties of supervisory skills - even supervisors with years of experience have found this workshop to be worthwhile, giving it very positive and enthusiastic reviews.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-08

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