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Using AgExpert Fieldmanger Pro

KF Ag Training & Consulting

PO Box 69
Allan SK S0K 0C0

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moins d’une semaine

Up to two days. Dates to be determined by participants.


TheAgExpert Fieldmanager Pro is a computer based field record keeping system that allows producers to track the operations carried out on individual fields, attach costs to these operations and record the revenues from these fields. Because both cost and revenue data is entered the program can calculate profit and loss reports for each field. The program also tracks inventory by bin and field of production.

A second aspect of the program allows producers to do crop planning on a field by field basis. Both fixed and variable costs can be entered and break even yields and prices can be generated.

The training is delivered over either one or two days of six hours each depending on the needs of the participant.

Day One;

Participants will learn the basics of the program using an instructor supplied database. This will allow the participant to make more informed decisions when setting up his or her own set of records. Time will be spent setting up the control information of the participants own farm. For many people this will be all they need to successfully use the program.

Day Two:

Day two is designed for participants who would like help in doing a complete setup of their farming operation and assistance in determining usage costs of equipment and operations. Building on Day One participants would continue to set up the farm and would enter data into the system. One or two fields would be taken through a complete year and reports would be generated and analysed.


650.00 per day

Tuition     650.00


Target Audience:

Farmers who wish to use  computer based software to keep detailed field records.

Recognition Provided:


A Certificate of Completion will be issued.

Method of Instruction:

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

The instruction will be delivered in the participant's home.

Availability of Program:

Le jour
En soirée
Le week-end
Toute l'année

Training times are kept flexible to accommodate the needs of participants.

Agriculture Business:


Subject of Training:

Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)

The training deals with learning to use the AgExpert Fieldmanager Pro to do field crop projections and to keep detailed records of the operations and their costs carried out on individual fields.

For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2015-02-11

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