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Organic Master Gardener Course (Classroom)

Gaia College Inc.

2485 Koksilah Road
Cowichan Station BC V9L 6M7

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une semaine à 2 mois

Generally offered over 2 months, occasionally over 2 weeks/ 54 hours



$1200 for extended course offered in Stony Plain, Alberta

Target Audience:

Those who want to learn organic methods in growing ornamental and food plants

Recognition Provided:

Crédit vers diplôme/degré

Certificate of Course Completion

Method of Instruction:

En Classe
Par Internet

Availability of Program:

En soirée
Le jour
Le week-end
Toute l'année

Offered in several locations across Canada. Please check website for current offerings.

Agriculture Business:

Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement

Subject of Training:

Aménagement paysager
Gestion de l’environnement

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-17

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