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Vineyard Irrigation

Okanagan College

583 Duncan Ave W.
Penticton BC V2A 8E1

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moins d’une semaine
56 hours PEN 10-Mar to 14-Mar MTuWThF 9:00-15:00 PEN 25-Mar to 3-Apr TuTh 18:30-21:30 29-Mar to 5-Apr Sa 9:00-16:00 10-11-12-13-14 Mar= 5 days x 6 hours= 30 hours25-Mar to 3-Apr = 25 Mar and 27 Mar = 3hours x 2= 6 hours + Apr1 and Apr 3 = 3 hours


35 hours PEN 12-Mar to 16-Mar WThFSaSu 9:00-16:00 = 35 hours $449This intensive, five-day short course will introduce the viticulture skills and knowledge required to workin or manage a cool climate vineyard. Students willlearn about the physiology of t

Method of Instruction:

En Classe

Agriculture Business:

Fruits de verger et Vignes

Subject of Training:

Fonctionnement et entretien d’équipement et de machinerie agricole
56 hours PEN 10-Mar to 14-Mar MTuWThF 9:00-15:00 PEN 25-Mar to 3-Apr TuTh 18:30-21:30 29-Mar to 5-Apr Sa 9:00-16:00 10-11-12-13-14 Mar= 5 days x 6 hours= 30 hours25-Mar to 3-Apr = 25 Mar and 27 Mar = 3hours x 2= 6 hours + Apr1 and Apr 3 = 3 hours x 2 = 6 hours = Total 12 hours25 Mar-5 Apr = 2 Saturdays x 7 hours = 14 hoursTotal hours = 30 hours + 12 hours + 14 hours = Grand total hours= 56 hours56 hours Course Cost $249

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

Last Updated: 2013-05-08

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