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Integrated Pest Management Essentials Certificate 1 year - New

University of the Fraser Valley - Agriculture Technology Department

45635 Yale Road
Chilliwack BC V2P 6T4

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plus de 2 mois

September-April, Chilliwack campus



Two 15 week semesters = 30 weeks. $529.17-$945.84 (Fall semester) + $1,362.51-$1,779.18 (Winter semester) = $6,362.55 + about $750 annually for books, field trips, and supplies.= $6,362.55.  Note: range in tuition depends upon which semester the elective is taken.

Recognition Provided:


Method of Instruction:

En Classe
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Availability of Program:

Toute l'année
Le jour

Agriculture Business:

Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement

Subject of Training:


Integrated pest management plays a key role in today's agriculture.  Increasingly, growers are trying to reduce their use of chemical pesticides by implementing integrated pest management programs into their crop production procedures. IPM is an ecological approach to suppressing pest populations. UFV’s IPM program teaches the necessary integrated control techniques to keep pests at acceptable levels in effective, economical, and environmentally safe ways. Methods used to control pests through IPM include combinations of crop rotation, trapping of insects, visual inspection, biological controls, environmental controls, and choosing the least harmful chemicals when pesticides are used as a last resort.

This certificate is comprised of 15 credits (5 three-credit courses) and is designed to help producers and agri-service personnel to identify and assess pests in the field and prepare students for entry-level pest scout positions.

Language of Instruction:


For program information contact:

1-888-504-7441, ext. 2813
(604) 795-2813
Visit the program Web site
Shelley Hayes, Department Assistant/Advisor

Last Updated: 2013-05-08

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