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Durée du programme :

plus de 2 mois

Logistics Essentials Series*

Each of the 5 web-based online modules takes an average of 6-8 hours to complete. Any of these modules can be used as part of a Pathway to earning the P.Log. designation, or individually for professional development.

Programme :

Module 1100: Logistics (Online)

This introductory module examines the meaning of logistics and its relevance to everyday life. It introduces the basic logistics sub-sectors: warehousing & distribution, traffic & transportation, purchasing, inventory management and control, and production materials movement. The module reviews, in detail, the process that a single item goes through from its raw material stage to its final distribution to the consumer. Finally, the participant learns about the basics of customer service and customer satisfaction, and also about users and suppliers of logistics services.

6-8 hours

Module 1200: Warehousing & Distribution (Online)

This module further examines the logistics sub-sectors – warehousing & distribution. The participants learns to define warehousing and distribution as it relates to the other sub-sectors, and to identify and describe the roles of warehousing and distribution in logistics. One also learns about the movement of materials through the warehouse, plant, or distribution centre, particularly in terms of warehouse systems and stock placements. Finally, various types of documentation are initially introduced, with a focus on the bill of lading. The participant learns the basics on how to read, interpret and complete appropriate documentation.

6-8 hrs

Module 1300: Traffic & Transportation (Online)

This module further examines the logistics sub-sector – traffic & transportation. The participant learns about the various modes of transportation including information on the cheapest, fastest, most dependable, and most available modes. Next, he or she learns about various product requirements for transport, including special handling information. The module examines the basics of shipping including documentation, map-reading, routing, and technology. The bill of ladingis again discussed, but in greater detail.

6-8 hrs

Module 1400: Purchasing & Procurement (Online)

This module further develops the role of purchasing as a logistic sub-sector. The participant learns to differentiate between internal and external customers, and learns about the financial health of companies. He or she gains further knowledge regarding customer satisfaction. In the second section, the module examines and contrasts public and private purchasing, centralized and decentralized purchasing, the purchasing cycle, and technology. Lastly, the participant learns about some of the challenges in the purchasing department, as well as the functions and capabilities of the purchase order.

6-8 hrs

Module 1500: Inventory Management (Online)

This module is the most challenging of the 5 modules. The participant first learns the basics of inventory control, and how it fits with the other logistics sub-sectors. The participant learns how to describe and distinguish among methods of inventory control to classify and categorize materials, and about the methods of inventory control. The module describes the categories, costs and functions associated with inventory, as well as the inventory cycle. In the second section, the participant learns how to use basic technology and how to use spreadsheets and databases to input, read and interpret inventory management and control (for example, to calculate ABC method of inventory classification). Finally, the participant learns how to identify and describe the purpose of key principles of inventory management and control, and to describe and demonstrate product movement and replenishment strategies.

6-8 hrs

Coût :

$1870 + tax for the full P.Log. – Professional Certification in Supply Chain Logistics

Breakdown Tuition per Module

Essentials Series$625
Frontline  Series $625
Integrated Logistics Networks Series $625

Public cible :

The Logistics Essentials Series is designed to orient logistics practitioners to the fundamental knowledge that is necessary to excel in their careers.

The Essentials Series provides the baseline training that is required to perform in your current role and serves as a foundation for managing in logistics and supply chain management.

Diplôme/Certificat :


On completion, a certificate (per module series) and or letter of completion is provided by the Logistics Institute

Mode d'enseignement :

Par correspondance
Par Internet

Self directed learning online. Logistics Institute staff hours are 9pm-4pm weekdays only

The Essentials Series is delivered via the Logistics Institute’s Learning Network. Online delivery allows the access and flexibility needed to support learning and development in today’s fast-paced business environment.

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année

Self directed learning online. Logistics Institute staff hours are 9pm-4pm weekdays only

Entreprises Agricoles:

Autres et Non Traditionnel

Sujets de formation :

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Ressources humaines
Marketing (incluant valeur ajoutée)

The objectives of this series are to:

• Build basic knowledge and skill sets in logistics and supply chains

• Address specific knowledge gaps and hone current skills in supply chains

• Provide management /staff with baseline training on supply chain operations

By progressing through the five modules, an integrated picture of logistics and supply chain mamnagement is developed

Personne-contact :

Visitez le site Internet du programme
Darhl Vercaigne, President

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-03-19

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