45635 Yale Road
Chilliwack BC V2P 6T4
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Trouvez University of the Fraser Valley - Agriculture Technology Department à l'aide des cartes Google
Durée du programme :
1 year - September-December (Fall semester), January-April (Winter semester), Chilliwack campus
Coût :
Two 15 week semesters = 30 weeks. $3,189.11 (Fall semester) + $3,029.19 (Winter semester) = $6,218.30 + about $1,500 annually for books, field trips, and supplies.
Diplôme/Certificat :
Mode d'enseignement :
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme
Disponibilité du programme :
Le jour
Entreprises Agricoles:
Fruits de champs et Légumes
Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement
Sujets de formation :
Fonctionnement et entretien d’équipement et de machinerie agricole
Aménagement paysager
Graduates of the Horticulture Crop Production and Protection certificate can look forward to employment opportunities in greenhouses, nurseries, garden centres, golf courses and landscaping companies. You could also consider a career in grounds maintenance, as an integrated pest management field scout or as a technician with various levels of government. Other options might include a career in the agribusiness sector in marketing, sales, and service. Some graduates return to family-owned enterprises or start their own small businesses.
Langue d'enseignement :
Personne-contact :
(604) 795-2813
Visitez le site Internet du programme
Shelley Hayes, Department Assistant/Advisor
Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08
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