Financial and Business Management

Financial and Business Management

Durée du programme :

une semaine à 2 mois

The course will be approximately one week and delivered over one month depending on participant's availability. It will be provided one-on-one at your farm or at the KC Financial & Management Consulting office located near Tisdale, SK. The program is offered using Experiential learning, the process of making meaning from direct experience, ie "learning from experience". Experiential learning is inductive, learner centered and activity oriented. The program is offered throughout the year and may be scheduled at your convenience.

Programme :

Day 1

1. Determine your level of understanding of financial statements

2. Provide an overview and explain the benefits of using financial statements for business planning

3. Explain financial management tools such as: 

  • net worth statement
  • production plan
  • cash flow
  • accrual statement
  • historical income and expense statement

Explain the key financial ratios and what each ratio indicates:

  • current ratio
  • working capital
  • equity ratio
  • debt to equity ratio
  • debt servicing ratio
  • return to investment
  • return to equity

4. Outline industry standards and bench marks 

5. Explain how participants may determine/ assess their financial position against industry standards

6. Explain the importance of relationships with financial institutions and suppliers

7. Explain suppliers and creditor’s needs and the benefits of maintaining a good relationship

  • their risk rating process and the effect the rating has on:
  • access to credit
  • interest rate
  • fees

9. Understanding the importance of risk management including production, insurance, tax management and legal

10. You will participate in a goal setting exercise and develop your own business, financial and personal goals

Day 2

1. You will apply the tools learned in Day 1

2. Together we will complete an operating plan including net worth statement, production plan, cash flow, accrual statement, historic income and expense report for your farm

3. We will explain the importance of knowing your variable expenses and completing a comparison of income and expenses per commodity to determine the best return

4. We will discuss the importance of relying on reasonable assumptions

5. We will explain how to determine your:

  • net worth
  • current ratio
  • working capital
  • equity ratio
  • debt to equity ratio
  • gross margin
  • debt servicing ability
  • return to investment and equity
  • machinery cost per acre

6. Together we will prepare an annual, quarterly or monthly cash flow projection

7. We will assess your ability to pay expenses as they are due

8. We will assess your operating requirements and the review the cost of your sources of operating credit

9. We will assess your cash flow needs and the impact they may have on marketing decisions

10. We will review your own financial ratios

11. We will compare your ratios to industry standards and bench marks

12. We will review the progress you project from the beginning to the end of each cycle

13. Together we will “brain storm” to determine possible options that may assist you in achieving your goals

Day 3

1. You will be provided with an Action Plan(s) projecting the impact anticipated from the action you may be considering

2. You will be provided with a comparison of the ratios/financial indicators comparing the Operating Plan to those projected in the Action Plan(s)

3. You will receive an assessment of the Action Plan(s) in relation to the Operating Plan and Business, Financial and Personal Goals

4. We will discuss follow-up and who will initiate the action and the time frames anticipated

5. We will discuss options to assist in monitoring and assessing your progress

You will receive a comprehensive report including an executive summary, business, financial and personal goals and an assessment of your financial position and the options being considered. The report will also include a comparison of your ratios in the Operating and Action Plans to the industry standards. This report will be a useful management tool and we will discuss best practices available to assist in implementation of everything you have learned. Also, the report if shared with your creditor(s) may strengthen your relationship. In addition, while sharing the report is optional, it may better position your business to access future financing at the lowest possible cost.

Coût :


An estimate will be provided based on your specific needs. Tuition begins at $5,000.00 and is determined by your needs and the size/complexity of your business.

Public cible :

1) farmers who wish to maximize the performance of their business.

2) farmers considering structural change such as, expansion or restructuring debt.  

3) farmers who wish to position their business to be able to negotiate the best possible terms with suppliers and financial institutions.

Diplôme/Certificat :


We provide a certificate upon successful completion of the course

Mode d'enseignement :

Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

One on one, using Experiential learning and delivered by an experienced farm management consultant. The program will be tailored to meet your particular needs. In addition, the consultant also delivers other programs for Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture. You may request a referral if these programs may also be of assistance. The consultant has extensive lending experience, training and experience in mediation and considerable farm management consulting experience. He is available to provide on-going consulting on a private basis after completion of this program.

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année

KC Financial & Management Consulting operates on a full-time year around basis. Consulting and training for agriculture and agri-business is our specialty and we deliver one-on-one. Consulting and training is what we do!

Entreprises Agricoles:

Fruits de champs et Légumes
Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement
Autres et Non Traditionnel
Autres Animaux
Volailles et Oeufs
Fruits de verger et Vignes

Sujets de formation :

Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Ken Childs, Consultant

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-12-23

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