AgExpert Analyst Advanced Bank Reconciliation Tool Training

MicroAge Swift Current

142 1st ave NW
Swift Current SK S9H 0M7

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

moins d’une semaine

See our website for future dates

½ Day



Programme :


  • Learning Objectives


What is new to the Bank Reconciliation Module?

  • The new import function for internet banking


Completing a Bank Reconciliation

  • How to set preferences for your bank reconciliation
  • Saving an incomplete bank reconciliation
  • Processing your bank reconciliation
  • Understanding the reports
  • What to do with the reports


Tips for Resolving an Unbalanced Bank Reconciliation

  • Double Entry
  • Reversed Transactions
  • Quick links for Reconciling


Generating Historical Reports

  • The different options available
  • Demonstrate how to generate these reports


Reconciling your Bank Accounts for Yearend purposes

  • What happens to the uncleared items in you new year?


Tips for getting more out of your Analyst software

  • Keystroke short cuts
  • Setting up Displayed Date
  • Program Shortcuts
  • Memorized transactions
  • Using the “Edit Details Feature”


Getting Help

Coût :



$95.00 for classroom training


$125.00 for one to one training in our classroom




Diplôme/Certificat :

Crédit vers diplôme/degré

Mode d'enseignement :

En Classe
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme

Disponibilité du programme :

Toute l'année

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)


This course is to provide indepth training on the different aspects of the AgAnalyst software that the


producer struggles with which they deem to be hindering them in the management of their operation.



Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

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