Grain Marketing Basics - Introduction

Southeast College


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Durée du programme :

Less than one week
This is a 12 hour course developed by SaskPolytechnic.

Programme :

Begins at 8:30am. Breaks in morning and afternoon. Lunch at 12:00pm. Ends at 4:30pm.

Coût :

Tuition: $325 Materials: Included in tuition
Please see the course calendar at for further information.

Diplôme/Certificat :


Mode d'enseignement :


Disponibilité du programme :


Sujets de formation :

Crop Production
You will gain a sound understanding of basic grain marketing principles and strategies, enabling you to identify marketing opportunities within the grain enterprise that will increase the returns to your production system. You will gain a better understanding and be equipped to improve profit potential when marketing grain commodities.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2016-01-19

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