Agricultural Operator: Seeding

Durée du programme :

Between one week and 2 months

This class is the first module of the Agricultural Operator program. It is designed for people with little or no prior agricultural knowledge. The course is very hands on and the majority of program time is spent in practicla workshops learning how to work as a farm hand at seeding time.

The program includes some safety instruction, information on working on prairie grain farms, tractor use and basic maintenence, air seeder use and basic maintenance, other associated seeding equipment use and basic maintenance. Students will also gain instruction and experience of using GIS systems in seeding. 


This course is ideal for someone new to agriculture who would like to work on a grain farm during seeding. 


The total duration of the course is 45 hours, 9 hours in online synchronous workshops and the rest on a working grain farm.

Programme :

There are a total of Six workshop days, comprising 12 half day workshops and six 90 minute online synchronous workshops. 

Coût :


Public cible :

People who have little or no agriculture background and people who would like to find employment in the Agiculture industry in Western Canada

Diplôme/Certificat :


Currently participants receive a certificate of completion, steps are being taken to have the program recongnized for credit

Mode d'enseignement :


There are six days of on-farm workshops and 9 hours of synchronous online workshops

Disponibilité du programme :


This program is offered as a Just  in time program and will be offered shortly before seeding each year,

Entreprises Agricoles:


Sujets de formation :

Crop Production


Workshops on:

Tractor and seeding equipment intro

Other associated seeding equipment

Transporting seed and fertilizer

Tractor and seeding equipment:2

Employer Expectations

Farm Records

Fertilizer and Fertility basics

GIS systems

Essential Knowledge for Farm Workers 1 & 2

Power and Mobile Equipment

GPS 1  7 2

Equipment Mainenance

Seed treatments and Innoculants

Preperation and intro to spraying including pre-seed burnoff

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

1 866 783 6766
306 786 6218
Visitez le site Internet du programme
Gwen Machnee, Coordinator University Programs and Applied Research

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-04-04

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