CTEAM Alumni 2013

AME -Agri-Food Management Excellence


Trouvez AME -Agri-Food Management Excellence à l'aide des cartes Google

Durée du programme :

Less than one week

February 5-8th, 2013

The Listel Hotel

Vancouver, BC


Programme :

Day 1 Tour Day

Practical on-site tours including Vancouver Port Authority and Overwaitea’s innovative ethnic food retailing concept.

Additional tour(s) are under consideration but have not yet been confirmed.

Day 2 Collaborative Negotiation

Negotiation skills are essential to help individuals get what they need and want. Traditional approaches to negotiation promote competitive tactics, often resulting in unsatisfactory outcomes for one or both negotiators. Collaborative or interest-based negotiation aims for agreements that respond to the interest of both people.

Gary Harper will teach this part of the program and will introduce you to the concepts and skills of collaborative negotiation. You will learn how to identify and practice attitudes and behaviours which de-escalate positional bargaining and lead to positive negotiated outcomes.

Specific Objectives Include:

  • Understand how content, process and emotion all influence a negotiation
  • Shift from positions (wants) to interests (needs)
  • Apply specific communication skills useful in conflict situations
  • Assert your needs in a negotiation
  • Describe a negotiation model

Day 3 Policy & Trade Issues

Get up to date on a host of policy and trade issues including:

  • Growing Forward II
  • The US Farm Bill
  • Resolution of the COOL dispute
  • The Trans Pacific Partnership
  • European Trade Agreement

An open discussion with your professor, Dr Larry Martin will ensure you understand recent policy developments and their trade implications.

Day 4 Succession Planning

Succession planning or business transfer strategies to the next generation or even to valued employees is a complex process. There are a number of elements that need to be considered as you map out your plan. There are people and emotions involved, the assets, the corporate structure, including share structure, and the agreements that bind the plan to name a few.

Tracy Hanson and Merle Good will provide a brief overview of the principles of succession and will then examine the potential corporate and share structures in-depth, using scenarios as examples. Legal agreements that need to be considered when putting together the succession plan for your farm or agri-business will also be presented.

While each farm or agri-business is unique, this session will give you a basis to understand the possibilities and implications of different corporate share structures and necessary agreements. These will give you ideas that you may consider in your plan and discuss further with your lawyer and accountant.

Coût :

$1624.00 / $1848.00

Early Bird Tuition - Register by August 31, 2012!
$1450 + $174.00 (HST) = $1624.00
Additional colleagues will be charged at a discounted rate of
$1250.00 + $150.00 (HST) = $1400.00

Regular Tuition
$1650 + $198.00 (HST) = $1848.00
Additional colleagues will be charged at a discounted rate of
$1450.00 + $174.00 (HST) = $1624.00

Fors Saskatchewan residents: Please note FBDI does not pay for field days, so only 75% of the course is eligible for funding . The course tuition also contains ineligible cost of $250 for meals. 


Public cible :

Our target Audience are those people who have completed our CTEAM and Executive Development Programs.

This programs brings together the top 10 percent producers and agribusiness leaders from across Canada.

Diplôme/Certificat :


Certificate of attendence

Mode d'enseignement :


The programs starts with a full day of tours.

The rest of the program is in-class.

The program is designed to utilized different learning techniques such as case studies, group work and general instruction.

Disponibilité du programme :


February 5-8th, 2013

Entreprises Agricoles:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Tree Fruit and Vine
Other & Non-Traditional
Other Animal
Poultry and Egg

Sujets de formation :

Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Succession Planning

see above

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

519-822-3929 ext.205
Visitez le site Internet du programme
Karen Bilton, Education Coordinator

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-09

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