
Farm Management Canada

250 City Centre Avenue, Suite 300
Ottawa ON K1R 6K7

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

plus de 2 mois

November - March, every Monday at Noon ET/ 1 hour per week

Agriwebinar sessions hosted by partnering organizations throughout the year

Programme :

45 minutes of presentation, followed by 15 minutes of question and answer

This varies for partnering organization webinars.

Coût :


No travel, no cost, no reason to miss out! Agriwebinar® is free and anyone can participate as long as they have a computer and an Internet connection. Even computers connected by a dial-up service can participate.

Public cible :

farmers, farming families, industry, government, educators, students, advisors

Diplôme/Certificat :


Proof of attendance can be provided upon request.

Mode d'enseignement :

Par Internet

Agriwebinar® brings the expertise of today’s agricultural leaders to inform and inspire you from the comfort of your home or office.

Disponibilité du programme :

À certaines périodes de l'année (selon la saison)

Agriwebinar® takes place every Monday for 1 hour at noon ET from November to March.

Entreprises Agricoles:

Autres Animaux
Autres et Non Traditionnel
Fruits de champs et Légumes
Fruits de verger et Vignes
Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement
Volailles et Oeufs

Sujets de formation :

Gestion de l’environnement
Gestion financière (incluant économie de production)
Marketing (incluant valeur ajoutée)
Planification du transfert de l’entreprise
Planification, stratégie et structure de l’entreprise
Ressources humaines

Agriwebinar® brings the expertise of today’s agricultural leaders to inform and inspire you from the comfort of your home or office.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2015-05-08

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