
Centre de formation professionnelle de Coaticook

125, Morgan
Coaticook QC J1A 1V6

Visitez notre site Internet
Trouvez Centre de formation professionnelle de Coaticook à l'aide des cartes Google

Durée du programme :

plus de 2 mois
1 035 h

Coût :

The cost mentioned on both the program site and the Ministry of Education site is $275 including $150 to purchase a florist's kit. This kit remains the student's property.

Public cible :

High school-level students.

Diplôme/Certificat :


Entreprises Agricoles:

Serres- Fruits et Légumes, Pépinières, Aménagement

Sujets de formation :

Marketing (incluant valeur ajoutée)
The aim of this program is to train florists so that they are able to create flower arrangements for a variety of specific events and occasions. They are also taught how to care for the plants, both in-store and in public buildings, to advise clients, and to commercialize their products and services.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-08

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