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Six Day Holistic Management Course

Ralph and Linda Corcoran

Box 36
Langbank SK S0G 2X0

Visitez notre site Internet

Durée du programme :

Between one week and 2 months

June 24,25,26 July 8,9,10th  Craven area

June 28,29,30 July11,12,13th Findlater area

Programme :

Days start at 9am and go to 4pm

There are lectures and slides and hands on assignments.

Day One:             Opening circle and introduction

                              Short overview of H.M.

                              Introduction to goal-setting

                              Writing a personal mission statement

                              Writing a three part Holistic goal

Day Two:             Opening circle and review of day one

                              The principles of Holistic financial Planning

                              Gross Profit analysis

                              Weak link analysis

                              Understanding W,I,M expenses

Day Three:          Opening circle and review of day two

                              The principles of planned grazing

                              The ecosystem building blocks

                              Pasture management and overgrazing

                              Allan Savory video

                              Closing circle

Day Four:             Opening circle

                              Review of first three days

                              Understanding and using the testing guidelines

                              Making decisions that are socially, environmentally and financially sound

Day Five:              Opening circle and review of day four

                              Steps to financial planning

                              A.B.C. ranch… (hands on detailed financial planning)

Day Six:                Opening circle and review of day five

                              Principles of planned grazing

                              Using grazing charts

                              Create your land plan

                              Forming a management club

                              Closing circle


Coût :


The course is $10,000

 We like 10 couples @$1,000/couple

 If only 5 couples attend the cost is $2,000/couple and so on

There is about $125 of books and material also

Public cible :

Agriculture people

Diplôme/Certificat :


A reciept of the Holistic Management Course

Mode d'enseignement :


Classroom and hands on

Disponibilité du programme :


We go to the area where the people are from So we are flexible on the times and dates

Entreprises Agricoles:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Other & Non-Traditional
Other Animal
Poultry and Egg
Tree Fruit and Vine

Sujets de formation :

Animal Production
Business Planning, Strategy and Structure
Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)
Human Resources
Marketing (includes value added)
Succession Planning

The people will have Holistic Goal

They will have Finnancial and land planning

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Visitez le site Internet du programme
Ralph Corcoran, Holistic Management Educator

Dernière mise à jour : 2014-12-11

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