32 Federal Drive
White City SK S4L 5B1
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Durée du programme :
With the anticipated changes to the CWB marketing mandate there will be a greater demand from producers to understand and implement marketing and risk management skills. There will also be a need to train participants on how to use new forms of electronic commerce to implement their marketing management plans.
This course was partially developed from an earlier course/curriculum that was designed for a provincial government teaching initiative that was being considered for delivery to Saskatchewan producers.
The course outline is as follows:
- Predicting Commodity Prices
- Future Market Hedging
- Speculation
- Understanding Basis
- Using Ag Options
- Marketing Alternatives for Grain
- Managing Price Risk
- Planning The Farm Business
The course delivery requirements are as follows:
1. Computer/High Speed Internet/Email
2. Cell phone/Smart Phone
3. Skype Account
The entire course will be delivered at the pace of the student’s request. With minimal delays between topics of learning the student may expect to complete their training within a time frame of 2 months (1 week per topic) .
The delivery of this training course will be conducted primarily through internet-based training. With tools such as Skype & other web-based tools the students will be able to obtain their training at home.
Programme :
Scheduling of training delivery to be determined in consulation with the client
Training material is developed in modules to facilitate user time schedules
Coût :
The cost breakdown is for time commitment over 2 month training period per training participant.
Number of hours per student 40 hours @ $100.00/hr all inclusive. No additional materials costs.
Public cible :
The target audience for this proposal would include both introductory and previous registrants of community based training programs in marketing and risk management skills training. Both farm managers as well as members of the agri-business community, including lenders and other value added service sectors, can use the course material. The material would be designed to allow the participant to access the training at the introductory level with more advanced training made available in a sequential manner.
The online training modules are designed to appeal to previously instructed Ag managers who wish to review the concepts in an interactive home based learning environment. The developers would look to expand the number of potential registrants should such training be made available within the secondary and post secondary public school system. Additional modules on more advanced topics are also envisioned.
Diplôme/Certificat :
No formal recognition certificates/diplomas etc at this time
Mode d'enseignement :
Par Internet
Sur les lieux ou à la ferme
Training is provided through telephone (VOIP) contact and interactive screen sharing Skype, plus step-by-step interactive html and Java platforms. Where feasible, the client will be invited to participate in face-to-face meetings in or near his home community.
-Prepare a risk assessment on applicable marketing risks including insurance considerations
-Outline contingency and disaster plans where needed
Action plan:
-Identify and explain the targets, timetables, and key responsibilities for implementing the plan
-Outline accountability for plan monitoring, timing of reports, and a process for follow-up
Disponibilité du programme :
Training available year-round on an ongoing basis, distance education
Entreprises Agricoles:
Sujets de formation :
Producers will be instructed on the conceptual principles and application of commodity marketing and risk management.
The training will assist the client to accomplish the following:
1. Develop a crop plan with enterprise breakeven yields and prices ( Client Management Software)
2. Establish realistic revenue targets
3. Create a marketing plan to meet these objectives – determine what marketing tools will be used
4. Execute the plan
5. Update & review the plan for the next business cycle.
Personne-contact :
Dernière mise à jour : 2014-03-19