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Field Manager PRO

KDW Consulting Services Inc.

PO Box 34
Rockhaven SK S0M 2R0

Durée du programme :

Between one week and 2 months

This one-on-one training can be one or two days.  Dates to be determined by particpant.

Programme :

Each day consists of six hours of instruction. 

Day 1 - Program Setup:  The participant will learn how to set up their farming operation and customize their field records to capture cropping history, weather, pest and soil observations as well as track inventory, and capture cost of production information.

Day 2 - Review, Questions and Reports:  Review participant's data entry and answer participant's questions.  Generate and review the wide variety of reports available in Field Manager PRO.  Learn how to use the Crop Planning tool to generate cropping scenarios in facilitate production decisions for the next crop year.

Coût :

$500 per day

Tuition:  $500 per day plus GST

Training materials:  $25 (one time cost) plus GST

Public cible :

Farmers who want to create and maintain detailed crop records using Field Manager PRO software.

Diplôme/Certificat :


A Certificate of Completion will be issued.

Mode d'enseignement :


Training to be delivered at participant's farm office or trainer's office.

Disponibilité du programme :


Training dates to be delivered to suit participant's schedule.

Entreprises Agricoles:

Field Fruit and Vegetables
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture
Tree Fruit and Vine

Sujets de formation :

Crop Production
Financial Management (includes production economics)

This training provides instruction on how to document detailed yearly crop records, produce reports on crop history and cost of production information as well as how to develop prospective crop plans.

Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-09

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