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AgExpert Analyst - Level II

KDW Consulting Services Inc.

PO Box 34
Rockhaven SK S0M 2R0

Durée du programme :

Between one week and 2 months

This one-on-one training can to one to three days.  Dates to be determined by participant.

Programme :

Each day consists of six hours of instruction. The participants can select from a variety of training modules: payroll, budget and cash flow, AgriStability tracking and cost of production or advanced transaction entry instruction.

Coût :

$500 per day

Tuitiion:  $500 per day plus GST

Training materials:  $50 plus GST

Public cible :

Producers using AgExpert Analyst who want to expand their use of the software to generate additional management information for their farming operation.

Diplôme/Certificat :


A Certificate of Completion will be issued.

Mode d'enseignement :


Training to be delivered at participant's farm office or trainer's office.

Disponibilité du programme :


Training dates to be delivered to suit participant's schedule.

Entreprises Agricoles:

Tree Fruit and Vine
Other & Non-Traditional
Other Animal
Field Fruit and Vegetables
Poultry and Egg
Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape and Floriculture

Sujets de formation :

Financial Management (includes production economics)

Payroll module: Learn how to set up and enter payroll records and generate payroll reports (remittances, T4's, T4 summary reports).

Budget and Cash Flow module: Learn how to complete and generate reports for planning purposes, business partners and loaning institutions.

AgriStability module: Learn how to set up AgExpert Analyst to capture AgriStability details in order to create the AgriStability Supplementary report through day to day transaction entry.

Cost of Production:  Learn how to capture expenses details for the producer's commodities in order to determine costs of production in their operation.


Langue d'enseignement :


Personne-contact :

Dernière mise à jour : 2013-05-09

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